
Weekly Blog

John Calvin Reading: Chapter 7 – John Calvin Date: September 23 Church History, Lesson 31
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The Radical Reformation Reading: Chapter 6 – The Radical Reformation Date: July 22
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Luther’s Later Life – From the Wartburg Castle Until His Death Reading: Chapter 2 – Martin Luther: Pilgrimage to Reformation; Luther’s 95 Theses Optional Reading: Roland Bainton “Here I Stand: A Life of Martin Luther” Date: April 22 Church History – Lesson 28
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Erasmus and Luther to the Diet of Worms Reading: Chapter 1 (The Call for Reformation – especially section on Erasmus); Chapter 2 – Martin Luther: Pilgrimage to Reformation; Luther’s 95 Theses Optional Reading: Roland Bainton “Here I Stand: A Life of Martin Luther” Church History – Lesson 27
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Reading: Chapter 33 (In Quest of Reformation) Church History – Lesson 26
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Reading: Chapter 31 (The Golden Age of Medieval Christianity – especially the section ‘Theological Activity: Scholasticism”)
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Reading: Chapter 31 (The Golden Age of Medieval Christianity) and Chapter 32 (The Collapse)
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Reading: Chapter 30 (The Offensive Against Islam)
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Reading: Chapter 28 (Imperial Restoration and Continuing Decay) and Chapter 29 (Movements of Renewal)

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This lesson focuses on the situation in the East after the fall of Rome. Reading: Chapter 27 – Eastern Christianity (and also the last few pages of Chapter 26 – “The Arab Conquests”)
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