

Here is an overview of the core beliefs that inform BRCC’s vision and shape our mission.  BRCC’s full statement of faith is available at the link below.  More information about Jesus and the Gospel are also available here.

We believe in the Bible …

We believe the Bible, both old and new testament, is the written Word of God.  The Scripture is our final, absolute authority, the only infallible rule of faith and practice for individual believers and for the Church. 

We believe in the Trinity …

We believe that there is one God Who is self-existent, eternal, infinite, unchanging, and almighty in His Being, and Whose character is perfect in holiness, truth, and love. This One God is eternally existent in three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Who are co-existent, co-equal, and co-eternal.

We believe in the Father …

God the Father is the Creator of heaven and earth. Through His Son, and for His own purpose and glory, He freely created the universe out of nothing. He sustains and governs all of creation. He made man for fellowship with Himself, and intended that all creation should live to the praise of His glory. In His glorious grace He gave Jesus Christ His Only Son for mankind’s redemption.

We believe in Jesus Christ …

Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God. He was always with God and is God; He is not a created being, but in fact it was through Him that all things were created. After living a sinless life of perfect obedience, he willingly died on the cross to pay for human sin. Having provided atonement for sin, the third day He rose bodily from the grave, victorious over death and the powers of darkness, and for a period of forty days appeared to over five hundred witnesses, providing many convincing proofs of His resurrection. He ascended into heaven and was seated at God’s right hand, from where He intercedes for His people and rules as Lord over all. He is the Head of His Body the Church and is to be loved, worshipped, served, and obeyed by all.

We believe in The Holy Spirit …

We believe that the Holy Spirit, the Lord and Giver of life, convicts the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment. Through the proclamation of the Law and the Gospel, He persuades us to repent of our sins, trust in the mercy of God, and confess Jesus as Lord. He brings about the new birth, dwells within the regenerate, unites believers to Jesus Christ, imparts gifts to each believer, and seals them for the day of redemption. The Holy Spirit has come to glorify the Son, Who in turn came to glorify the Father. As our Counselor and Guide, He will lead the Church into all truth, and as the Spirit of the Eternal God, He is to be loved, worshipped, served, and obeyed by all.


We believe that God created mankind – male and female – in His own image so that we might have fellowship with Him. Mankind was given dominion over the earth and was commanded by God to rule the planet. Under the temptation of Satan, man rebelled against God and His Law, and received God’s righteous judgment. As a result of the fall, mankind is radically depraved, spiritually deceived, morally corrupt, and subject to death. Additionally, creation was plunged into sin, and experiences the consequences and effects of our fall. 


We believe that redemption and atonement for sin is provided only in the finished work of Jesus Christ.  We believe that people are justified by faith in Christ, apart from any good works of their own. Justification is the free gift of God, based exclusively on the merits of Christ, and provided on the basis of faith alone. Those justified through faith are declared by God to be righteous solely because of the righteousness of Christ that is credited to them.

For more information, email the church office, or call us at 410-263-2992.

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