
Weekly Blog

When considering translating from one language into another, the first translation theory to consider is “essentially literal”.
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The task of translating from one language to another is very complex. As anyone who knows multiple languages can tell you, there are many differences between languages.
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When a person or group decides to translate the Bible into a new language or to make a new translation for a language in which other versions already exist, it is important to begin by answering two questions.
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I recently read Timothy Keller: His Spiritual and Intellectual Formation by Colin Hansen. Tim Keller was a very influential pastor, church leader, apologist, and best-selling author.
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Today we will look at two early translations from the time of the Reformation.
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Beginning in the late middle ages four key factors prepared the way for a rebirth of translating the Bible into local languages.
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As we saw in previous posts, in the early Church, the New Testament was translated into many different languages. However, over time this process stopped. Why did this happen?
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As we saw in previous posts, the Old Testament was being translated long before the time of the New Testament. But what about the New Testament? When did it begin to be translated into other languages?
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This week I decided to do something new on the blog – give a brief review and recommendation of a book I recently read. I will do these periodically when I read a book that I think will be of interest to the members of BRCC.
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God’s people have long recognized the necessity of translating the Scripture into new languages so that they can be read and understood. We see evidence of this within the Bible itself.
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