
Weekly Blog

The DaVinci Code alleges Constantine was a pagan who never really converted to Christianity, but corrupted the early faith. What is the truth?
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The DaVinci Code claims there were other gospels that taught Jesus was only human. What did they really teach and why did the church reject them?
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Who was Mary Magdalene? What was her relationship to Jesus? Did Jesus ever marry and have children?
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The DaVinci Code suggests Jesus was merely a human prophet. What did those who knew and followed Jesus think? Who did Jesus claim to be?
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Listen to the teaching Look at the teaching outline Look at the teaching presentation
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This 4-Session Seminar goes over the history and creation of the Bible.
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The Holy Spirit speaks through human authors to give us authoritative and inerrant Scripture. From the Seminar: How Did We Get Our Bibles
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The universal Church recognized the writings which God had inspired and given to His people to guide their lives and faith. From the Seminar: How Did We Get Our Bible
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The Biblical texts have been copied and preserved so we can be confident that our Bibles accurately reflect the original Biblical writings and the Word of God. From the Seminar: How Did We Get Our Bible
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Many good translations of the Bible exist and we should use a variety to help us understand God’s word as accurately as possible. From the Seminar: How Did We Get Our Bible
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