
Weekly Blog

Why do we end our prayer with “Amen”? We end our prayer with “Amen” to show that we earnestly desire these things, and we have confidence that our Father in heaven hears us and delights to answer our prayers, because every promise of God is given to us in Chris
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What is the conclusion to the Lord’s Prayer and what does it teach us regarding prayer? The conclusion of the Lord’s Prayer is “For yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever.” In it we learn to acknowledge all authority, power, and glory belong to God, and He is able to do all we ask and more; so we pray for these things that we might live for Him and His glory now and forever.
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What is the sixth request in the Lord’s Prayer and what does it teach us regarding prayer? The sixth request is “And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.” In it we learn to pray that God would protect us from Satan and his temptations, humbly recognizing our need for God and His grace to sustain and deliver us.
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What is the fifth request in the Lord’s Prayer and what does it teach us regarding prayer? The fifth request is “Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.” In it we learn to pray that God, for Christ's sake, would freely forgive all our sins, and we promise that by His grace we will forgive others as we have been forgiven.
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What is the fourth request in the Lord’s Prayer and what does it teach us regarding prayer? The fourth request is “Give us today our daily bread.” In it we learn that we should acknowledge that everything we have is a gift of God and so we pray to God each day for our needs, asking Him to bless us so that we might be a blessing to others, as we look to Jesus, the True Eternal Bread.
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What is the third request in the Lord’s Prayer and what does it teach us regarding prayer? The third request is “Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” In it we learn to pray that by His grace God would make us to know, submit to, and obey His will in everything, as the angels do in heaven.
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This teaching was for the CSLI Fellows Program.
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What is the second request in the Lord’s Prayer and what does it teach us regarding prayer? The second request is “Your Kingdom come.” In it we learn to pray that Satan’s kingdom may be destroyed, that God’s Kingdom of grace and righteousness would be advanced through us, and that it would come in its glorious fullness quickly.
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What is the first request in the Lord’s Prayer and what does it teach us regarding prayer? The first request is “Hallowed be your name.” In it we learn to pray that God will enable us to glorify Him in everything, and that He will work all things for the honor of His own Name.
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What is the preface to the Lord’s Prayer and what does it teach us? The preface to the Lord’s Prayer is “Our Father in heaven.” It teaches us that God is our Father in Christ, so we should approach Him with reverence and confidence, as children to their father, and that we should pray with and for others.
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