
Weekly Blog

If you are looking for a way to expand or focus your prayers, perhaps using a prayer guide will be helpful to you.
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Praying for our spouse should not be relegated to special days or unusual circumstances.  It should be our regular practice.
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This week I want to go to an "opposing" practice of prayer – prayers prompted by unexpected circumstances.  Rather than being a prayer we "expected" to pray, these are prayers driven by a sudden unexpected
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Today I want to mention a practice that is almost the complete opposite – brief, spontaneous prayers that occur throughout the day.
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As a young believer, I was invited to spend an entire morning in an extended period of reflection and prayer.  We spent several hours alone in prayer and meditation.
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In Scripture, we are commanded to pray for our nation and its leaders.  Like the people of Israel in Babylon, we are called to pray for the land of our exile (Jeremiah 29:7).
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A prayer practice that has grown in popularity in recent years is specifically praying for Muslims.
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One practice that has been most useful in my prayer life is having set times for prayer.  Now, I must admit that I am a person who likes routine and schedules.
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I think one of the reasons that prayer can become rote for many of us is that we limit our prayers to very personal and local concerns.  But God is calling to have a strong focus on His worldwide mission.
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One thing I have noticed in my own prayer life is that sometimes a particular location can stir prayer. 
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