
Weekly Blog

We have been looking at some ramifications of the doctrine of inspiration. So far we have looked at four ramifications. Today I will give two final ramifications.
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We have been looking at some ramifications of the doctrine of inspiration. So far we have looked at four ramifications. Today I will give two more ramifications.
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Last week I began to give some ramifications of the doctrine of inspiration. Today I will give two more ramifications.
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Today I want to begin to give some ramifications of the doctrine of inspiration.
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When Christians say the Bible is ‘inspired’ we mean that its source is none other than God Himself.
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Today, I want to look a little more closely at this final meaning, the written Word. I do this, both because it is probably the most common usage today among believers, but also because some are attacking this usage today.
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Christians are not Gnostics – those who degraded the place of the body in humans and who sealed off the realm of the spirit from the realm of the body.  We know that the spirit and body are intimately connected.  Thus, it should not surprise us to learn that our bodies can encourage or discourage prayer. 
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This week I want to encourage reflection on bodily practices related to prayer. 
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This week I want to recommend the practice of specifically giving thanks in our prayers.
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This week I want to recommend the use of prayer books to help us in our prayer life.  By prayer books, I am referring to books containing actual prayers for a person to pray alone or with others.
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