
Weekly Blog

Today, we will look at the growth of the Old Testament canon with the inclusion of the prophets and the writings.
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We are currently looking at the concept of the canon of Scripture. Because the beginning of God’s revelation of Himself is contained in what we often refer to as the “Old Testament”, our discussion of the development of the canon must begin there.
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We are currently looking at the concept of the canon of Scripture. Last week we defined what is meant by ‘the canon of Scripture’ – “the list of books that have been recognized as being inspired by God and which therefore belong in the Bible.” This week I want to look at why it is important that we have a canon of Scripture.
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Many documents have been written throughout human history. How was it decided which ones belonged in the Bible and which ones did not? This is the question of canonization.
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Today I want to conclude this series of posts by looking at the authority of Scripture.
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God – especially the doctrine of inspiration. This week and next I want to tie it all together in a brief summary.
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Because Scripture is true, and it is the very inspired Word of God, we must labor diligently to make sure we understand what it is actually teaching.
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In recent weeks we have been looking at ramifications of the doctrine of the inspiration of Scripture, and then the implications of what it means when we say that the […]
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We are currently looking at three key implications arising from the inspiration of Scripture. In the first two posts, we saw the because the Scripture is inspired it is authoritative and it is true. Today, we look at the final implication – inerrancy.
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Given all that we have looked at in previous posts regarding the inspiration of Scripture, I want to now spend three weeks drawing out three key ramifications of the inspiration of Scripture.
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