
Weekly Blog

“Spiritual work is taxing work, and men are loath to do it. Praying, true praying, costs an outlay of serious attention and of time, which flesh and blood do not relish.” – E.M. Bounds
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Over the summer, as our congregation is studying the Psalms as a book of prayer, I will have a series of articles on great quotes about prayer. I am setting […]
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We are at the end of a series of posts considering the Apocrypha, and whether they should be considered as part of the canon. In this post, we will look at a statement of Jesus to help us determine the extent of the Old Testament canon.
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We are near the end of a series of posts considering the Apocrypha, and whether they should be considered as part of the canon. In this post, we will look at the use of the Apocrypha since the time of the Reformation.
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We are in the midst of a series of posts considering the Apocrypha, and whether they should be considered as part of the canon. In this post, we will look at the opinions of early church leaders that these books were NOT part of the canon.
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Last time we began a series of posts considering the Apocrypha, and whether they should be considered as part of the canon. In this post, we will look at how these books were used in the early church.
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If you open up a Roman Catholic or Eastern Orthodox Bible, or for that matter many older Protestant bibles, you will notice other books with names like 1 and 2 Maccabees, Judith, and Tobit. What are these books? Why are they in these other Bibles? And, most importantly, why are they not included in our canon of Scripture?
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Today I want to look at a few books that received scrutiny and for a time were questioned as to whether they actually were inspired by God and therefore belonged in the canon of Scripture.
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We are currently looking at the concept of the canon of Scripture. Last week we looked at how the Hebrew canon was broken into three parts – the Law, the Prophets, and the Writings. Today we will see which Old Testament books are included in each section.
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Today, we will look at how the Hebrew canon was broken into three parts – the Law, the Prophets, and the Writings.
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