Elements: Worship
Paul Foster Jr is the pastor at Lighthouse Church in Glen Burnie and good friends with Bret Hicks. His teaching is on the elements of faith and worship.
Romans 11:33-36
Biblically Based, Christ Centered, Caring Community in Annapolis, MD
Paul Foster Jr is the pastor at Lighthouse Church in Glen Burnie and good friends with Bret Hicks. His teaching is on the elements of faith and worship.
Romans 11:33-36
Saul fell because he did not really seek to know God and His will, preferring to attempt to manipulate God into blessing his own desires and actions.
1 Samuel 28-2 Samuel 1; 1 Chronicles 10 (1 Samuel 28:4-7; 1 Chronicles 10:13-14; 2 Samuel 1:17-27)
Because of the coming of Christ, God is with us, delivering us from our enemies and saving us from our sins, as He delights in us and sings His song of love over us.
Zephaniah 3:14-17
As we ponder the great works of the Lord in redeeming and giving us His covenantal commands, we respond with heartfelt praise and willing
Psalm 111
There is great joy that comes from gathering with God’s people.
Psalm 122:1
When we begin to fathom the depths of the greatness of God, does this bring us to a point of awe at the majesty of God that we must break forth in Praise?
Psalm 145
When spoken for others to hear in public worship, tongues must be interpreted so that others may benefit from the prayer, blessing, and praise to God.
1 Corinthians 14:1-5; 26-28
God calls leaders to bless those under their care, and He promises to respond to those blessings with His covenant Presence and provision.
Numbers 6:23-27
Disciples recognize and embrace their need for corporate praise and worship, as the body of Christ, to God.
Colossians 3:15-17
We were made to worship. There are several ways we can worship, as well as several things that stop us from worshipping. But when we worship, God gives us his blessing and grace.
Luke 4:5-8
The psalms of praise call us to give praise to God for His character and His actions.
Psalm 150
The book of Psalms is purposefully structured, and this helps us to understand the meaning of the book.
Psalm 150