

The Gift of Tongues for Public Use

When spoken for others to hear in public worship, tongues must be interpreted so that others may benefit from the prayer, blessing, and praise to God.

1 Corinthians 14:1-5; 26-28

March 15, 2009

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The Covenant Blessing

God calls leaders to bless those under their care, and He promises to respond to those blessings with His covenant Presence and provision.

Numbers 6:23-27

October 28, 2007

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Disciples and Worship

Disciples recognize and embrace their need for corporate praise and worship, as the body of Christ, to God.

Colossians 3:15-17

August 20, 2006

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Worship as a Means of Grace

We were made to worship. There are several ways we can worship, as well as several things that stop us from worshipping. But when we worship, God gives us his blessing and grace.

Luke 4:5-8

March 19, 2006

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