They are predicting snow tomorrow, but mainly in the afternoon and evening. So, BRCC will meet as normal. As always, if you can't come, join us online via Facebook or YouTube. You can access both from the homepage.


The Glory To Come

The key to overcoming all of the suffering and sorrow in this life is not denying it, nor thinking on the good things experienced in this life, but rather in focusing of the immeasurable joy to be found in the glory of the age to come.

Romans 8:18

July 24, 2016

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Comfort In Troubled Times

This teaching gives a Christian response to suffering a tragic, untimely death and also the suicide of a believer. It also contains an extended special time of communion for the church.

2 Corinthians 1:3-11

July 21, 2013

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UnCommon Anguish In Prayer

God desires for our prayers to be filled with reality, including deep the deep anguish arising from living in this fallen world, and the hope that comes from knowing that in Christ we are never alone.

Psalm 22

March 3, 2013

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In the Valley of Tears

When suffering comes into our lives, it is hard to see God’s purposes accurately, but He will bring us through the valley of tears.

Ruth 1

August 7, 2005

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