

Know Limits

Humans were created with inherent limits, and the wise person knows and embraces the need for self-control and limits in life.

Proverbs 25:16

May 28, 2019

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Lust is a disordered love that excessively craves my own sexual pleasure, desiring it more than true intimacy with God or others.

1 Thessalonians 4:3-8

March 25, 2018

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Gluttony is a disordered love that excessively craves food and drink, attempting to fill spiritual hunger with material fare.

John 6:26-29

March 18, 2018

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A Holy Sexuality

A Christian must be holy in their sexual conduct, avoiding all sexual activity other than a man and woman within marriage.

1 Thessalonians 4:1-8

June 11, 2017

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The Feast of Fasting

Biblical fasting is a call to not only abstain from food but to feast upon the Word and will of God.

Matthew 4:1-4

January 11, 2015

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The Freedom of Simplicity

Freedom is not found in a life full of distractions, but in one that has reduced activities to allow time to receive Christ and His Word.

Luke 10:38-42

January 4, 2015

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Restrained In An Indulgent World

Christians are called to a life of self-denial and bearing the cross in order to follow Jesus, but the iWorld encourages a life of indulgence and instant gratification.

Luke 9:23

October 20, 2013

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Enduring In A Transient World

We are called to live for that which endures – things which have been passed down for generations, and which should be passed on to generations to come.  But we live in a world of perpetual novelty, which is dominated by the trendy and the trivial, and is often disdainful of that which has gone before.

Psalm 78:1-8

September 29, 2013

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Focused In A Distracted World

Walking with God requires us to give focused, sustained reflection to God, His Word, our lives, and the world in which we live. But we live in a world of constant distractions, making sustained, focused reflection and living very difficult.

Luke 10:38-42

September 23, 2013

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Christians Captivated By Nothing

Christians must always be on their guard against being carried away by the empty deceits offered by the world to replace Jesus as our only source of true fulfillment and joy.

Colossians 2:8

April 29, 2012

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