Be Alert
Jesus calls believers to be alert as we await His final return, not by looking for supposed signs but rather by maintaining a vibrant relationship with Him and His people.
Mark 13:32-37
Biblically Based, Christ Centered, Caring Community in Annapolis, MD
Jesus calls believers to be alert as we await His final return, not by looking for supposed signs but rather by maintaining a vibrant relationship with Him and His people.
Mark 13:32-37
The song of the angelic choir announced that Christ had come to bring glory to God and peace to the people of Earth.
Luke 2:8-14
Through their failure to cast out a demon, the disciples learn that ministry and spiritual warfare are not based on technique or their own abilities, but rather by consistently walking close to God through faith and prayer.
Mark 9:14-29
Disciples are called to follow Jesus, which means they must deny themselves and take up their cross, enduring persecution and suffering in this age while looking forward to the eternal reward they will be granted at the return of Christ.
Mark 8:34-38
Christians are motivated to finish well, even if it requires suffering, by remembering the eternal reward Christ will give to them when He returns.
2 Timothy 4:6-8
John is given a vision of Jesus as the Risen Christ, Who reigns over everything, and Who will return to complete God’s Eternal Plan.
Revelation 1:12-18; 19:11-16
Daniel has a vision of four great beasts and a little horn that oppress God’s people, but the Son of Man has established the eternal kingdom of God which grows throughout history and will be given to God’s covenant people.
Daniel 7:15-28
In the midst of the wreckage of the Fall, God gave a promise that Jesus would come to redeem and rescue us.
Genesis 3:15
Let us celebrate the first Advent of Jesus Christ as we anxiously await the celebration of His second Advent.
Luke 2:8-20
The new heavens and new earth will exhibit both continuity and discontinuity with the present heavens and earth.
2 Peter 3:10; Matthew 19:28
The new heavens and the new earth are our eternal home, and those who love and serve God will experience the removal of the curse and the consummation of God’s original purposes for mankind.
Revelation 21:1-8
At the resurrection, our present bodies will be raised and transformed to be like Christ’s resurrected and glorified body, exhibiting both continuity and discontinuity with our present body.
1 Corinthians 15:35-44