The Supremacy of the Gospel Through Suffering
In a world wrecked by turmoil and suffering, our Heavenly Father has revealed the Gospel to comfort and carry us to the place of worship.
2 Corinthians 1:3-7
Biblically Based, Christ Centered, Caring Community in Annapolis, MD
In a world wrecked by turmoil and suffering, our Heavenly Father has revealed the Gospel to comfort and carry us to the place of worship.
2 Corinthians 1:3-7
You cannot continue to sin, because of your unity with Christ, which has brought you a new life no longer under the power of sin.
Romans 6:1-14
The continental divide of life is where we place our confidence – ourselves and our own righteousness, or Christ and His righteousness.
Philippians 3:1-11
We should not be ashamed of the Gospel, for it is God’s power to save those who believe.
Romans 1:16-17
Salvation from sin comes by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone.
Romans 3:9-26
God’s grace has come to us in Christ, and it saves those who believe and enables them to live a life distinct from the world and in conformity to God’s character.
Titus 2:11-14
The Lord is a God Who delights to restore what has been lost because of Satan, the world, and even sin.
Psalm 14:7
God works to restore us through the work of a kinsman redeemer, a close relative who protects and provides for us.
Ruth 3
The Valley of Tears has become fields of food, family, and hope.
Ruth 2
The law is inferior to God’s promise and therefore we should look to God in faith, rather than relying on the law.
Galatians 3:15-25
We have died to the law but become alive to God, living a new life by faith in Christ.
Galatians 2:17-21
The Gospel of justification by faith alone was not of human origin, but was revealed by God directly to Paul.
Galatians 1:11-12
Matthew 27:50-54; John 19:28-30
Christ is the fulfillment of the judges, the ones who God sent to deliver His people from bondage to turn them to Him.
Judges 2:10-19
The palms of thanksgiving show God’s people giving Him thanks for delivering them when they cried out in distress.
Psalm 30