

What is the Lord’s Supper?

The Lord’s Supper is the sacramental meal Christ commanded all believers to eat, in which the death of Christ for our salvation is represented in the breaking of the bread and the pouring out of the cup, and through which the believer spiritually feeds upon Christ, giving thanks to God as the elements are received in faith.

Luke 22:19-20; 1 Corinthians 10:16

July 23, 2023

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What Is Water Baptism?

Water baptism is the sign and seal of our union with Christ and the cleansing He provides for sin, a means of grace to provide strength in our struggle against sin, and the medium through which we testify of our faith in Christ and membership in the church.

Colossians 2:9-15; Romans 6:3-7

April 16, 2023

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As we partake of Communion in faith, Christians are united in fellowship with Christ and His Body, the Church.

Luke 22:19-20; 1 Corinthians 10:16-17; 1 Corinthians 11:23-28

June 3, 2012

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Why Should I Be Baptized?

Christ commands His followers to be baptized in water as the sign and seal of our union with Him, to receive power in our struggle with sin, and testify of our faith in Him.

Matthew 28:19-20

March 14, 2010

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What Is A Sacrament?

A sacrament is a special symbol given by God to His people that, when received in faith, serves as a sign and seal of His promises to us, functions as a means of grace to strengthen us, and through which we testify of our faith in Him and His promises.

Romans 4:11; 1 Corinthians 10:16-17; Romans 6:3-4

March 7, 2010

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Grace in Communion

God’s desire is that we understand and partake in the grace found in the sacrament of communion.

Luke 24:13-35

October 1, 2006

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