

Can I Keep God’s Law?

Can you live up to all of this perfectly? No. I have a natural tendency in thought, word, and deed to not love God and my neighbor as He has commanded.

Romans 3:10-24

November 3, 2019

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Authentic Assurance From The True God

Christians know that they have eternal life, that God hears their prayers, that their sins are forgiven, and that they are protected by Christ because they know the One True God.

1 John 5:13-21

August 16, 2015

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Authentic Faith

Authentic faith is rooted in regeneration and is displayed in an orthodox faith and in a willing, joyful life of obedience to God’s commands that overcomes the world.

1 John 5:1-5

August 2, 2015

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An Authentic Eschatology

An authentic eschatology does not promote speculation about signs, but rather an eager hope for the completion of our salvation that is fueled by purifying ourselves from the practice of sin now.

1 John 2:28-3:3

June 21, 2015

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The Limits of Water Baptism

Water baptism does not remove original sin or produce regeneration or justification, but it is the sign that these things have been already done by God and received by faith alone. John 3:3-7; Romans 4:9-12 Reading: Romans 4:16-25 Listen to the teaching Look at the teaching outline

March 28, 2010

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