

A Holy Community of Love

The church is to be a community overflowing with love, growing in holiness, as it waits for the return of Jesus.

1 Thessalonians 3:11-13

June 4, 2017

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A Holy Prayer of Thanks

Christian should express thankfulness for God’s blessings and the people in their lives.

1 Thessalonians 1:1-5

April 23, 2017

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How Long O Lord?

In life’s dark moments we should express our pain to God and remind ourselves of His covenant love until we move from grief and fear to joy and trust.

Psalm 13

January 15, 2017

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Christian Citizenship

What does it mean to be a Christian and a citizen of the USA? What is my call as a Christian citizen?

1 Peter 2:11-12

July 17, 2016

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Authentic Assurance From The True God

Christians know that they have eternal life, that God hears their prayers, that their sins are forgiven, and that they are protected by Christ because they know the One True God.

1 John 5:13-21

August 16, 2015

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Peace For The City

Christians are called to seek shalom (peace) for their city through prayer, godly speech, working with others to promote human flourishing, and always promoting the Gospel as the only hope for true shalom.

Jeremiah 29:7

May 3, 2015

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Praying For Our Forgiveness

Christians pray to God for the forgiveness of our many sins, knowing that asking for forgiveness requires that we extend it to others ourselves.

Matthew 6:9-13

January 27, 2014

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Praying For Our Daily Bread

Christians pray to God for our daily bread, labor to help provide it for others, and look to Christ, the True Eternal Bread.

Matthew 6:11

January 13, 2014

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Praying To Our Father In Heaven

Christians pray to our Father in heaven, the transcendent God who loves us, for His kingdom rule to come – both now and forevermore.

Matthew 6:9-10

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January 5, 2014

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Praying Like Jesus

Jesus is the true man of prayer, showing us both the necessity of prayer and how we should pray.

John 17:1

June 10, 2013

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UnCommon Quietness In Prayer

God desires for our prayers to be filled with the confidence that He is our Helper in times of trouble, and that we would pray words of blessing over others.

Psalm 131

April 14, 2013

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UnCommon Confession In Prayer

God desires for our prayers to be filled with open, honest, deep confession of our sins, knowing that God forgives and restores us through Christ.

Psalm 32

April 7, 2013

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UnCommon Confidence In Prayer

God desires for our prayers to be filled with the confidence that He is our Helper in times of trouble, and that we would pray words of blessing over others.

Psalm 121

March 24, 2013

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UnCommon Honesty In Prayer

God desires for our prayers to be filled with brutal honesty, expressing our questions and doubts, but with a willingness to let God open our eyes to the truth so that our perspective might be changed.

Psalm 73

March 10, 2013

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UnCommon Anguish In Prayer

God desires for our prayers to be filled with reality, including deep the deep anguish arising from living in this fallen world, and the hope that comes from knowing that in Christ we are never alone.

Psalm 22

March 3, 2013

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UnCommon Boldness In Prayer

Theme: God desires for our prayers to be filled with bold requests for blessing, that others would come to know Him, from here to the farthest part of the earth.

Psalm 67

Note: We are sorry, but the audio does not contain the first part of this teaching. Please click the teaching outline below to see the information covered in the first part of the teaching.

February 24, 2013

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