The Garden of Temptation and Testing – Part 1
In the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus was tempted to turn away from drinking the cup of wrath of God, but in His deep anguish He drew close to His Father and victoriously embraced His will.
Mark 14:27-42
Biblically Based, Christ Centered, Caring Community in Annapolis, MD
In the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus was tempted to turn away from drinking the cup of wrath of God, but in His deep anguish He drew close to His Father and victoriously embraced His will.
Mark 14:27-42
The fruit of true worship in the New Covenant that God desires is faith, prayer, and forgiveness.
Mark 11:20-25
The parable of the sower, the seed, and the soils teaches the secret of the Kingdom of God – that it has broken into the world in the Person, teaching, and work of Jesus, that is rejected by many, but that the Word of Jesus will bear great fruit in the lives of those who hear and embrace it.
Mark 4:1-20
Disciples must imitate the priorities and practices of Jesus – personal prayer, the study and proclamation of God’s Word, and gathering with God’s people for public worship. Any helpful ministry can only come by attending to these priorities and practices first.
Mark 1:35-45
God has given the book of Psalms to teach believers how to pray in all circumstances of life so that they might learn to trust God at all times.
Psalm 62:8
God commands a blessing upon His people who live in unity through gathered worship and shared lives.
Psalm 133
Our prayers should be filled with thankfulness and praise for all God has done, and this should build faith for what He will do in the present and future.
Psalm 138
True prayer and worship require a living faith that takes time to hear from God and respond in trust and obedience regardless of the current circumstances.
Psalm 95
The “way everlasting” is opened only to those who are tested and known by God. In other words, God works salvation for those who in faith turn away from their sins and turn to rely on God’s mercy in Jesus Christ.
In the midst of running for his life, David penned a psalm God uses to instruct his people how to view both their circumstances and their deliverer.
Psalm 142 (ESV)
Solomon could not fulfill the coronation hopes of Psalm 72, only The true and good King can fulfill Psalm 72, only King Jesus. The King is alive, long live The King.
Psalm 72:1-20 (NIV)
Christians are called to trust that God is our defender and deliverer so that we might delight in our God.
Psalm 46
The pattern of biblical lament illustrates the pattern of the life of trusting in and following Jesus Christ. The pattern of biblical lament leads us through humiliation toward the cross with a view to glory: by faith we come to share in Christ’s sufferings and gain assurance of sharing in Christ’s glory.
Psalm 102
Moses prayed for God to grant him wisdom by numbering his days which would lead to a godly use of his short time on earth, godly results in his work, and joy through an eternal perspective.
Psalm 90
Jesus suffered all the forsakenness that infinite hell had to offer so that He could take your forsakenness to Himself. And now, He is present even in your feeling of being God-forsaken. There is nowhere you can go where Jesus isn’t with you.
Psalm 88
Righteousness, peace and strength are mine not because of my current circumstances or vain desires, but from a true faith in God’s love, mercy, and goodness toward me and His people.
Habakkuk 3:17-19
There is an invisible war between God’s angelic forces and the forces of Satan which is related to and affects the visible rise and fall of human kingdoms and the plight of God’s people, but God’s Sovereign Plan will be accomplished in the end!
Daniel 10-11 (Daniel 10:1-11:4)
In light of the experience of the exile and his visions of the future, and built upon biblical teaching regarding God’s covenant and the end of the exile, Daniel turns to God in an intense time of prayer – praising God, confessing the sin of God’s people, and crying out […]
Daniel still faced persecution under the new kingdom, reminding us that God’s people must always live by trust in God rather than man in the land of our exile.
Daniel 6
The fundamental reality is that God exists and He is speaking to us through creation and the Scriptures, and we are called to respond in prayer and personal relationship with Him.
Psalm 19
Every Christian is called to draw upon the strength of Christ to take a stand against Satan and his kingdom, praying for the spread of the Gospel and the kingdom of God.
Ephesians 6:10-20
When God graciously promised to bless David and his house, David responded in prayer with humility, praise, thanksgiving, and bold faith.
2 Samuel 7
We must learn to use the weapons of God’s Word, prayer, worship, and fellowship to demolish Satan’s strongholds in us and others.
2 Corinthians 10:3-6
Our strategy in spiritual warfare is to draw near to God, be alert for the attacks of Satan, and stand against, resist, and attack his works.
Ephesians 6:10-20; 1 Peter 5:6-9; James 4:7-10
Through Christ and the Gospel God has equipped us with everything we need for spiritual warfare as we draw our strength from Him.
Ephesians 6:10–20