
Passion for Christ

When Less Is More

True abundance is not found in a life full of distractions but in one that has reduced activities to allow time to listen to Jesus speak.

Luke 10:38-42

February 4, 2024

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Gluttony is a disordered love that excessively craves food and drink, attempting to fill spiritual hunger with material fare.

John 6:26-29

March 18, 2018

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Sloth is a disordered love that that does not desire God, His works, or the vocations He has given me, but finds them boring, refusing the effort to love and serve God and others.

Proverbs 26:13-15

March 4, 2018

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Sardis: The Dead Church

The church must be alive and alert, not living off past faith and deeds, but nurturing a vital, continuing walk with Jesus and opposition to Satan.

Revelation 3:1-6

March 26, 2017

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Shema – Hear and Speak God’s Word

The Shema is the most important command in Scripture, and it teaches us that to love God with all our being we must hear and speak God’s Word regularly.

Deuteronomy 6:4-9

January 1, 2017

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Enjoying Jesus Through the Habits of Grace

Christians enjoy their relationship with Jesus as they regularly practice the habits of grace – those activities which God has promised to use to give His grace and joy to His people. Acts 2:42 To Listen to the teaching click [Here] To download the teaching outline click [Here]

July 31, 2016

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The Freedom of Simplicity

Freedom is not found in a life full of distractions, but in one that has reduced activities to allow time to receive Christ and His Word.

Luke 10:38-42

January 4, 2015

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Called To Jesus Christ

God has called us to Himself so decisively in Christ that everything we are, everything we do, and everything we have is transformed as we live our entire lives in response to His call.

Matthew 4:18-22

September 16, 2012

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Called, Devoted, Equipped, and Encouraged

As a local church BRCC is called to encourage each member to realize the calling they have been given in Christ, to encourage devotion to Christ and His call upon us, and to equip and encourage believers to fulfill their calling in Christ.

Romans 1:1-17

February 5, 2012

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