The Last Supper
On the night He was betrayed, Jesus announced the beginning of the New Covenant as He celebrated the Last Supper with His disciples.
Mark 14:17-31
Biblically Based, Christ Centered, Caring Community in Annapolis, MD
On the night He was betrayed, Jesus announced the beginning of the New Covenant as He celebrated the Last Supper with His disciples.
Mark 14:17-31
On the night He was betrayed, Jesus celebrated the last Passover with His disciples, for in His sacrificial death He fulfilled Passover by delivering and redeeming His people.
Mark 14:12-26
Jesus prophesied that with the destruction of the Temple and the end of the Old Covenant era the Gospel would go to all nations, gathering people from every nation into God’s people.
Mark 13:1-4, 26-27, 30-31
Jesus prophesied that the Temple would be destroyed and the Old Covenant would end, for in the New Covenant the people of God are God’s Temple.
Mark 13
Jesus pronounced final judgment upon the leaders and people of Israel for the willful, persistent refusal to receive God’s messengers, culminating in their rejection of Him as their Messianic King.
Matthew 23
With the coming of Jesus, the old covenant promises, types, and shadows find fulfillment in the glorious realities of the new covenant.
Mark 2:18-22
Daniel’s seventy sevens give us a picture of the coming of the Messiah to fulfill the old covenant and establish the new covenant, bringing full salvation for His people but judging those Who reject His sacrifice.
Daniel 9:20-27
In light of the experience of the exile and his visions of the future, and built upon biblical teaching regarding God’s covenant and the end of the exile, Daniel turns to God in an intense time of prayer – praising God, confessing the sin of God’s people, and crying out […]
The anointed kings of Israel serve as a picture of Jesus, the Anointed One, Who faithfully rules us forever and has anointed us with the Spirit.
1 Samuel 10-12; 1 Samuel 10:1-10
This is a question and answer session on the Book of Isaiah. It includes an overview of the message of the book, key themes from the book, discussion of a few passages, and a lot of application to today.
In the New Covenant, the ministry of the Spirit in believers is much more personal, internal, and powerful than it was under the Old Covenant.
Joel 2:28-29
Christ is the focus and fulfillment of the entire Old Testament. The major people, places, and events in the Old Testament are types and shadows of the reality that is found in Christ, and through Him, all believers inherit the Old Testament promises.
John 5:36-40
The old covenant of types and shadows has been fulfilled by the new covenant, which brings the reality to which the old covenant pointed.
Hebrews 8:1-13
God is still at work among the physical Jews, and will call many of them to Christ before He returns.
Romans 9:1-5; 11:25-32
The city of Jerusalem was a type and shadow of the true city of God, the new Jerusalem, which is comprised of all those who have faith in Christ.
Hebrews 11:8-16
In Christ, the True Israel, the church is the fulfillment of Old Testament Israel, the people of God.
Galatians 6:15 – 16
In Christ, the True Israel, the church is the fulfillment of Old Testament Israel, the people of God.
Genesis 17:7-11; Romans 2:28-29
The Temple finds its focus and fulfillment in Christ, Who is the fullness of God and the atoning sacrifice for sin, and Who makes His people to be God’s temple.
John 2:13-22
The sacrificial system finds its focus and fulfillment in Christ, the true Lamb of God, who cleanses our sin and enable us to offer spiritual sacrifices to God.
John 1:29
Christ is the focus and fulfillment of the ceremonial aspects of the law, and He enables His people to walk in true holiness.
Colossians 2:16-17; Hebrews 9:9-10
The moral law finds its focus and fulfillment in Christ, Who perfectly displayed the character of God, delivered us from the curse of the law, and enables us to fulfill the Law by His Spirit.
Matthew 5:17; Romans 3:31
Christ is the fulfillment of the prophetic office, He is superior to the old prophets, and He has given us the Spirit to enable us to speak God’s word in the new covenant.
Deuteronomy 18:14-22
Christ is the fulfillment of the priesthood, He is superior to the old priests, and He has made all of us priests in the new covenant.
Hebrews 7:17-28
Christ is the fulfillment of the judges, the ones who God sent to deliver His people from bondage to turn them to Him.
Judges 2:10-19
The major people, events, and institutions of the Old Testament are types and shadows that point forward to and are fulfilled in Christ.
Colossians 2:16-17