The Resurrection Changes Everything!
The physical resurrection of Jesus from the dead changes everything, and His followers gather each week to remember His resurrection and then take the Good News forth to everyone.
John 20:19-29
Biblically Based, Christ Centered, Caring Community in Annapolis, MD
The physical resurrection of Jesus from the dead changes everything, and His followers gather each week to remember His resurrection and then take the Good News forth to everyone.
John 20:19-29
The physical resurrection of Jesus from the dead changes everything, and His followers gather each week to remember His resurrection and then take the Good News forth to everyone.
John 20:19–29
Christians are called to serve God in their nation and culture, submitting to their leaders, and serving in the government and wider culture with unbelievers to promote the common good, always remembering that their true home is the new heavens and the new earth.
Romans 13:1-7; Jeremiah 29:4-7; Philippians 3:20-21
In eternity, we will be fully alive, free from the penalty, power, and even the presence of sin, as we glorify and enjoy God forever!
Revelation 21:1-5; 22:1-5, 20-21
Christ is preeminent in and over everything – the present creation and everything it, and the new creation, which has already begun through His reconciling work.
Colossians 1:12-20
At the resurrection, our present bodies will be raised and transformed to be like Christ’s resurrected and glorified body, exhibiting both continuity and discontinuity with our present body.
1 Corinthians 15:35-44
The people of God have always believed in a resurrection of the body, and Christ is the guarantee of this hope.
John 5:28-29
Christ’s redemptive work affects not only the human spirit, but all of our human nature, and all of creation as well.
Colossians 1:15-20
Christ is central to the Gospel and true life, and we must proclaim Him as Paul did.
Galatians 6:11-18