
New Covenant

A Glimpse of Glory

The Transfiguration is a revelation showing that the New Covenant has arrived, unveiling Jesus in His full glory so that the disciples can be sustained through the suffering that comes to Jesus and His followers.

Mark 9:1-8

January 14, 2024

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Christ the True and Better Deliverer

Jesus the Anointed One fills out the redemptive patterns (or “types”) in Genesis 22, revealing that our salvation rests on Jesus’s perfect, lifelong, patient, vicarious obedience to the point of death a cross and on his vindicating resurrection from the dead.

Hebrews 3:1-6 (ESV)

December 17, 2023

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Christ the True and Better Son

Jesus the Anointed One fills out the redemptive patterns (or “types”) in Genesis 22, revealing that our salvation rests on Jesus’s perfect, lifelong, patient, vicarious obedience to the point of death a cross and on his vindicating resurrection from the dead.

Genesis 22:1–19

December 10, 2023

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God’s Law in the New Covenant

In the new covenant, the ceremonial law has been fulfilled by Jesus and is no longer in effect, but the moral law, which is a reflection of God’s unchanging character, continues to define sin and righteousness for all humans.

Mark 7:14-23

August 27, 2023

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The Messenger of the King

John the Baptist was a messenger calling the people to the wilderness to be baptized in repentance for their sins, preparing for the coming of the King Who would usher in the Kingdom of God.

Mark 1:1-8

September 18, 2022

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Daniel’s Seventy Sevens

Daniel’s seventy sevens give us a picture of the coming of the Messiah to fulfill the old covenant and establish the new covenant, bringing full salvation for His people but judging those Who reject His sacrifice.

Daniel 9:20-27

October 24, 2021

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All In: Participants Not Spectators

In the New Covenant, God calls all Christians to be actively participating in works of ministry, serving others in the church and the world.

Ephesians 4:8-12

September 20, 2015

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The LORD’s Anointed King

The anointed kings of Israel serve as a picture of Jesus, the Anointed One, Who faithfully rules us forever and has anointed us with the Spirit.

1 Samuel 10-12; 1 Samuel 10:1-10

September 22, 2014

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Risen Conqueror

The ultimate display of God’s power is the resurrection of Christ, who has conquered death and rules over all to fulfill God’s purposes for us.

Ephesians 1:19-23

April 20, 2014

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The Word and the Prophet

An absence of God’s Word is a great curse, but God is faithful to raise up true prophets to speak forth His word.

1 Samuel 3

March 16, 2014

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Who Should Be Baptized?

In view of the biblical teaching on the New Covenant and water baptism, only those who have personally professed faith in Christ should be water baptized. Acts 2:38-39; Acts 8:18; 1 Corinthians 7:14 Reading: Hebrews 8:6-13 Listen to the teaching Look at the teaching outline

April 25, 2010

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The Limits of Water Baptism

Water baptism does not remove original sin or produce regeneration or justification, but it is the sign that these things have been already done by God and received by faith alone. John 3:3-7; Romans 4:9-12 Reading: Romans 4:16-25 Listen to the teaching Look at the teaching outline

March 28, 2010

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Transformed by the Holy Spirit

Christians live in the New Covenant and are being progressively transformed by the Spirit into the image of God as we consistently behold His glory.

2 Corinthians 3:12-18

February 1, 2009

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Christ the Reality

Christ is the focus and fulfillment of the entire Old Testament. The major people, places, and events in the Old Testament are types and shadows of the reality that is found in Christ, and through Him, all believers inherit the Old Testament promises.

John 5:36-40

September 19, 2004

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