
Miraculous Gifts and Signs

Growing Sight

The two-stage healing of the blind man is a living parable for how spiritual blindness was being healed in the disciples – and is healed in people through the ages.

Mark 8:22-30

October 8, 2023

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Do You Still Not Understand?

Even after Jesus miraculously fed a multitude a second time in the wilderness, the Pharisees refused to believe and the disciples still lacked understanding of Jesus and His ways.

Mark 8:1-21

October 1, 2023

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Water Walker

Jesus refuses the false expectations of the crowd, but reveals His true identity to His disciples by walking on the water, and confirms it through His healing power.

Mark 6:45-56

July 16, 2023

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The Good Shepherd

Jesus is the Good Shepherd who provides physical and spiritual rest, nourishment, and care, even in the wilderness.

Mark 6:30-44

July 2, 2023

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Lord Over the Storm

Jesus’ Sovereignty over the storm reveals His Deity and invites His disciples to turn from the fear of circumstances to the fear of God and trust in His Sovereign care.

Mark 4:35 – 41

April 30, 2023

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Series Outline for Signs

This 7-week series looks at seven signs found in the Gospel of John – symbolic events that call us to embrace Jesus as the Lord Who has come to redeem His people.

April 21, 2019

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The Lord of Light

Jesus healed the man who was blind from birth to show that He is the Messiah, the Light of the world, Who came to call sinful humans out of the darkness into His glorious light.

John 9:1-7

April 14, 2019

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The Lord of the Sabbath

Jesus healed the lame man with His powerful word on the Sabbath to show that He is Lord of the Sabbath because He is One with God the Father and does the works of the Father.

John 5:1-18

March 31, 2019

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The Sovereign King

Jesus is the Sovereign Lord over all Who calls us to embrace Him in humble faith for Who He is, not for what we want Him to do for us.

John 4:43-54

March 24, 2019

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The Lord of the House

Jesus cleansed the Temple as a sign that He is the Lord of God’s House, and the True Temple of God.

John 2:13-25

March 17, 2019

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The First Sign

Jesus is both the real Master of the Banquet and our true bridegroom who comes to pour out his blood so we can enjoy the wedding feast of the lamb and eternal joy with God.

John 2:1-11

May 27, 2018

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Question and Answer Session on the Holy Spirit

This is a question and answers session on the series The Holy Spirit – God’s Empowering Presence. A variety of questions on topics such as guidance, unusual manifestations, and spiritual gifts were discussed.

April 3, 2009

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The Gift of Prophecy

God gives His people the gift of prophecy, the ability to give a spontaneous word from God, which can edify, exhort, and comfort believers, and convict unbelievers.

1 Corinthians 14:1-5; 29-33

March 22, 2009

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The Gift of Tongues for Public Use

When spoken for others to hear in public worship, tongues must be interpreted so that others may benefit from the prayer, blessing, and praise to God.

1 Corinthians 14:1-5; 26-28

March 15, 2009

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The Gift of Tongues for Private Prayer

The main use of the gift of tongues is for private worship and prayer, and as we use this gift we are built up in our faith so that we can serve God and others.

1 Corinthians 14:13-19

March 8, 2009

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What is the Gift of Tongues?

The gift of tongues is the enablement of believers by the Holy Spirit to speak in a language they have not learned & do not understand.

1 Corinthians 14:13-19

March 1, 2009

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