

Lessons for Disciples – Marriage (Part 2)

Jesus taught that God made humans male or female and that marriage is the lifelong union of one man and one woman. Therefore any alternative ideas of “marriage” or contexts for sexual activity violate God’s design and intent.

Mark 10:1-12

March 10, 2024

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Moral Decay In the Last Days

We live in the last days, which are terrible times marked by moral decay and deception, but the Gospel and Spirit provide power to deliver us from the dominance of sin and error.

2 Timothy 3:1-5

April 3, 2022

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Embracing the Limits of Body and Soul

True freedom is found in recognizing humanity as including both body and soul, and embracing the inherent identity and limits of both.

Genesis 1:26-28; Genesis 2:7

February 28, 2021

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The Question of Sexuality

Present-day questions about sexuality should be viewed in light of God’s original design (creation), our sinful hearts and corrupt desires (the fall), Christ’s person and work (redemption), and our ultimate end (consummation).

Revelation 19:6-9

April 22, 2018

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Marriage: When Two Become One

God intends marriage to be a lifelong, vital union between a man and a woman, and anything less is a distortion or rejection of God’s will.

Matthew 19:4-6

February 12, 2017

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A Rebellious King Is Rejected

Saul was rejected as king because he feared others and did not obey God’s word, and then made excuses for his sin, hoping that the rituals of worship would excuse his rebellion.

1 Samuel 15 (1 Samuel 15:22-23)

October 19, 2014

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Restrained In An Indulgent World

Christians are called to a life of self-denial and bearing the cross in order to follow Jesus, but the iWorld encourages a life of indulgence and instant gratification.

Luke 9:23

October 20, 2013

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Christians Captivated By Nothing

Christians must always be on their guard against being carried away by the empty deceits offered by the world to replace Jesus as our only source of true fulfillment and joy.

Colossians 2:8

April 29, 2012

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Does God Allow Homosexual Marriage?

Although Christians must show compassion to those trapped in homosexuality, we must be clear that it is a sin, and that God would never condone homosexual marriage.

Genesis 2:22-24; Matthew 19:3-6

December 11, 2005

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