The Gift of Sabbath Rest
Sabbath rest is not a legalistic restriction but rather a gift from God to allow us to be refreshed as we rest from our daily vocations and activities so we can focus on God and His provision for us.
Leviticus 23:1-3
Biblically Based, Christ Centered, Caring Community in Annapolis, MD
Sabbath rest is not a legalistic restriction but rather a gift from God to allow us to be refreshed as we rest from our daily vocations and activities so we can focus on God and His provision for us.
Leviticus 23:1-3
Even after Jesus miraculously fed a multitude a second time in the wilderness, the Pharisees refused to believe and the disciples still lacked understanding of Jesus and His ways.
Mark 8:1-21
Jesus teaches us that impurity, which is the violation of God’s moral law, arises from inside our hearts rather than from outside sources, and therefore true cleansing is not a matter of external religious rites but rather an internal change of heart.
Mark 7:14-23
Legalism blinded the Pharisees to God’s gracious work through Jesus, so instead of praising God, they decided Jesus must be put to death.
Mark 3:1–6
As the Son of Man, Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath and He cut through the extra-biblical burdens that had been added to the Sabbath to return it to its original purpose as a gift for humanity.
Mark 2:23-28
Jesus did not come to shun those who were separate from God, but rather to seek them out so that they might return to God.
Mark 2:13-17
The elder brother in the parable mistakenly thought that success, life and joy was found in attempting to keep the rules rather than in relationship with the father, who he misunderstood and disdained.
Luke 15:1-3, 11-32
This four-week series was taught to prepare for Lent in 2015. It takes a look at the paradox that doing and having less can actually lead to a life that is more fulfilling, focused on what is most important.
Lent is patterned after Jesus’ forty days in the wilderness. It is a time when we fast, pray, confess sin, and set aside distractions so we can fully seek God to be empowered by His Spirit.
Luke 4:1-2, 14
Sabbath rest is not a legalistic restriction but rather a gift from God to allow us to be refreshed as we rest from normal activities so we can focus on God and His provision for us.
Leviticus 23:1-3
Biblical fasting is a call to not only abstain from food but to feast upon the Word and will of God.
Matthew 4:1-4
Saul is a compulsive man, full of rash and foolish actions, rooted in his confusion over how to walk in God’s favor.
1 Samuel 13:1-15
Counterfeit spirituality depends on rituals, hyper-spirituality, and legalism, rather than on the simplicity of Christ, Who alone can deliver from sin.
Colossians 2:16-23