The Peace Of Judgement
Judgement is real, judgement is satisfying, and judgement is elevating. Jesus as the judge is a delight.
Matthew 25:31-46
Biblically Based, Christ Centered, Caring Community in Annapolis, MD
Judgement is real, judgement is satisfying, and judgement is elevating. Jesus as the judge is a delight.
Matthew 25:31-46
Jesus prophesied that with the destruction of the Temple and the end of the Old Covenant era the Gospel would go to all nations, gathering people from every nation into God’s people.
Mark 13:1-4, 26-27, 30-31
Jesus prophesied that the Temple would be destroyed and the Old Covenant would end, for in the New Covenant the people of God are God’s Temple.
Mark 13
In the Olivet Discourse, Jesus prophesied that the temple and Jerusalem would be destroyed during the lifetime of the generation then alive, and this was fulfilled in 70 AD, proving the authority and truth of Jesus’ Word.
Mark 13
Jesus pronounced final judgment upon the leaders and people of Israel for the willful, persistent refusal to receive God’s messengers, culminating in their rejection of Him as their Messianic King.
Matthew 23
Disciples are called to follow Jesus, which means they must deny themselves and take up their cross, enduring persecution and suffering in this age while looking forward to the eternal reward they will be granted at the return of Christ.
Mark 8:34-38
The parable of the sower, the seed, and the soils teaches the secret of the Kingdom of God – that it has broken into the world in the Person, teaching, and work of Jesus, that is rejected by many, but that the Word of Jesus will bear great fruit in the lives of those who hear and embrace it.
Mark 4:1-20
Question 25: Who is the Redeemer and Mediator, the perfectly righteous God-Man?
The only Redeemer and Mediator between God and humanity is the Lord Jesus Christ, the Eternal Son of God who became human for us and for our salvation.
1 Timothy 2: 5-7
Daniel’s seventy sevens give us a picture of the coming of the Messiah to fulfill the old covenant and establish the new covenant, bringing full salvation for His people but judging those Who reject His sacrifice.
Daniel 9:20-27
Daniel has a vision of four great beasts and a little horn that oppress God’s people, but the Son of Man has established the eternal kingdom of God which grows throughout history and will be given to God’s covenant people.
Daniel 7:15-28
Daniel has a vision of four kingdoms (Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome), which in their rebellion to God are beastly forces who oppress God’s people. However, he also sees the Son of Man who established the eternal kingdom of God that will grow throughout history and defeat all rebellion against God.
Daniel 7:1-14
God brought mighty Babylon and her arrogant king to a swift end as He had promised, and this is a warning to all who arrogantly trust in themselves rather than Christ.
Daniel 5
In the fall, humans broke God’s covenant and fell under the curse, but God In His grace, God gave His covenant promise to preserve creation and humanity, renewing the covenant of creation and establishing human government to restrain evil and promote the common good through this age until the final judgment.
Genesis 6:17-18; 9:1-11
Unlike Jesus and His Gospel, David’s indecisive actions provided neither full justice or restoration, and thus provided the seeds for future troubles in his kingdom.
2 Samuel 13-14 (2 Samuel 13:21-22; 13:38-39; 14:1)
Wrath is a disordered love that desires justice to be enacted in my time, manner, and degree rather than in God’s.
James 1:19-20
God’s holy people receive the Gospel as the Word of God rather than a human teaching, but those who reject it remain under God’s wrath.
1 Thessalonians 2:3-16
Jesus is the True Vine, bearing fruit where Israel failed, and those who remain in vital union with Him are fruitful to the glory of God.
John 15:1-8
Our entire lives matter to God and are to be lived in service to Him and with a view toward eternity
1 Corinthians 10:31; Colossians 3:23-24
Christians are called to build their lives and ministries in such a manner that they will survive the coming judgment and bring eternal rewards.
1 Corinthians 3:10-15
All humans will stand before God’s judgment throne, and only those who trust in Christ will enter the new heavens and earth.
Revelation 20:11-15
True wisdom lives in light of eternity, fearing and obeying God, knowing that each of us will give an account to God.
Ecclesiastes 1:1-11; 12:13-14
The imprecatory psalms cry out for God to act against the enemies of God and His people.
Psalm 137