Elizabeth’s Song of Joyful Blessing (Beatitude)
Those who delight in the supremacy of Jesus will believe the Word of God and receive the joy of God’s deepest, richest blessing.
Luke 1:39-45
Biblically Based, Christ Centered, Caring Community in Annapolis, MD
Those who delight in the supremacy of Jesus will believe the Word of God and receive the joy of God’s deepest, richest blessing.
Luke 1:39-45
Concealing our sin brings only death, suffering, and pain, but confessing our sin brings life, forgiveness, healing, and true joy.
We were made for joy in this life and in eternity, but it is only found in God and is secured for us in the resurrection of Christ.
Psalm 16
The people of God should rejoice for the King who is so (Un)Expected in His manner of coming, His life, and His ministry has come – and has offered salvation to us.
Zechariah 9:9
Righteousness, peace and strength are mine not because of my current circumstances or vain desires, but from a true faith in God’s love, mercy, and goodness toward me and His people.
Habakkuk 3:17-19
Jesus is the Humble King, the One Who is truly and fully God but came as a lowly human to save us.
Luke 2:8-14
Christ has come that we might experience true, full life, now and eternally.
Romans 5:1-5
All people are motivated by the search for joy and happiness, but the route to real joy is through the shadow’s valley and into the wide-open arms of your Lord.
John 15: 9-11
The Resurrection of Jesus gives a joyous living hope even in troubled times for all those who are reborn through Him.
1 Peter 1:3-9
Jesus is our Lord, our Messiah, and our King, the only begotten-Son of the Father, promised in the Old Testament to rescue His people and join them to His Father.
Matthew 21:1-11
Question: Why did God create humans?
Answer: To glorify God and enjoy Him forever.
1 Corinthians 10:31; Psalm 16:11
Jesus is both the real Master of the Banquet and our true bridegroom who comes to pour out his blood so we can enjoy the wedding feast of the lamb and eternal joy with God.
John 2:1-11
The fruit of the God-centered Gospel is deep, abiding joy in the lives of believers.
Romans 5:1-5
Holy joy is found in the growing faith of those we love, even in the midst of persecution and suffering.
1 Thessalonians 2:17-3:10
Christians enjoy their relationship with Jesus as they regularly practice the habits of grace – those activities which God has promised to use to give His grace and joy to His people. Acts 2:42 To Listen to the teaching click [Here] To download the teaching outline click [Here]
A Godward life of joy, prayer, and virtue is full of the Presence and peace of God, which expels our anxiety and sin.
Philippians 4:4-9
A life that is centered on glorifying God is full of joy, because God is supremely worthy and it is why we were created.
1 Corinthians 10:31; Psalm 16:11
We often hold two completely contradictory expectations of how God will respond when we turn to Him for help. God would have us know that He rejoices over us.
Luke 15:1-32
Authentic faith is built upon Jesus, the True Word of Life, is proclaimed in the Gospel, and produces fellowship and full joy as we walk with God and His people.
1 John 1:1-4
Because of the coming of Christ, God is with us, delivering us from our enemies and saving us from our sins, as He delights in us and sings His song of love over us.
Luke 2:9-12
We were made for uncommon joy in this life and in eternity, but it is only found in God, and is secured for us in the resurrection of Christ.
Psalm 16
In eternity, we will be fully alive, free from the penalty, power, and even the presence of sin, as we glorify and enjoy God forever!
Revelation 21:1-5; 22:1-5, 20-21
How do we as the people of God in the midst of struggles find joy in the Gospel?
Philippians 1:12-18
This 4-week series was taught during the 2011 Advent season. It covers the four great themes of Advent – hope, peace, love, and joy – showing how each of these is found in Christ, and helping us to focus our thoughts on Him as we celebrate His coming to bring us salvation.
True joy is found in Christ, Who has come to save and restore us to God, the source of all true joy.
Luke 2:10-11