
Image of God

Knowing Christ

Christ is the perfect image in character, quality, and power of God with whom we are reconciled by Christ’s death on the cross.

Colossians 1:15-22

November 7, 2021

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The Key to Human Freedom

The key to human freedom is recognizing and embracing our inherent nature as we were created by God, including both the God-given dignity and limits of that nature.

Genesis 1:26-31

February 18, 2021

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Our Long War Against God’s Image

In our rebellion against God, humanity has consistently demeaned, degraded, and attempted to destroy other humans because they are created in God’s image.

Genesis 4:8-10

January 14, 2021

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The Beautiful Community – Reconciliation

All humans are descended from Adam and are the image of God, but there God has reconciled us to Himself and one another through the work of Jesus on the cross, creating the Church as the beautiful community of reconciliation in which He lives by His Spirit.

Ephesians 2:11-12

June 21, 2020

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Racism, The Image of God, and the Gospel

All humans are descended from Adam and are the image of God, but there are many different ethnic groups, and God is calling us to overcome the sinful tendency to separate and to come together so that the Gospel might flourish in our area.

Acts 17:26-28

June 14, 2020

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The Sanctity of Human Life

Humans are uniquely the image of God and therefore all human life is sacred, from conception until natural death.

Genesis 5:1-3

January 22, 2017

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Matthew – The Man

Matthew presents Jesus as the fulfillment of the Old Testament, God’s True Son who accomplishes the call of Adam and Israel, succeeding where they failed, to bring salvation to the earth.

Matthew 1:1; 2:13-15; 3:16-17; 4:1-11

March 1, 2015

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Living A Blessed Life In The iWorld

The blessed life for which we were created is not found in the technology of the iWorld and the glow of its screens but in the Presence of God and real human relationships.

Psalm 20:7

November 10, 2013

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Called To Work (Part 1)

As those made in God’s image, we were created and called to work, serving God and others through our labors in every realm of life and every corner of creation.

Psalm 90:16-17

October 21, 2012

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The Spirit of Creation and Redemption

The Spirit was active in both our creation and redemption, and in His ongoing work in our lives He is restoring God’s original intent for creation and our place within it.

Genesis 1:1-2; Deuteronomy 32:9-12

September 14, 2008

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God’s Call for Mankind

As the image of God, mankind is called to form and to fill the world, thus developing creation to display God’s glory.

Genesis 1:26-28; 2:4-7; 2:15

April 1, 2007

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Man: The Image of God

Man, the uniquely physical-spiritual being, is the image of God and crown of creation.

Genesis 1:26-27; 2:7

March 25, 2007

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The Purposes of Marriage

Marriage must be centered on God, and its true purposes are found in fulfilling our call to display God’s image in all the earth.

Genesis 1:26-28; 2:18-24

January 22, 2006

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Christ – The Image of God

Christ is the fulfillment of humanity’s call to bear the image of God, and He is forming that image in His people.

Genesis 1:26-28

August 29, 2004

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