
Idolatry and False gods

Standing Strong In Fiery Trials

To stand strong in the fiery trials of exile, God’s people must walk by faith – displaying humble confidence in God, trusting in His Sovereign Power, and obeying God and His Word regardless of the consequences.

Daniel 3 (Daniel 3:16-18)

July 25, 2021

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RESET: Redeeming the Quarantine

Like the exile, our current time of disruption should be used as a divinely appointed season to reset our priorities and practices, redeeming the quarantine to make beneficial changes to our lives.

Deuteronomy 4:27-31

March 29, 2020

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Finding Hope In Hard Times

In hard times we can easily give in to despair, but God uses times like this to call us to look to Him for mercy, salvation, and hope, knowing that He is the faithful God.

Lamentation 3:17-26

March 22, 2020

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Thyatira: The ‘Tolerant’ Church

The church must not embrace a false ‘tolerance’ for those who compromise essentials which leads to an idolatry and immorality within the church.

Revelation 2:18-27

March 19, 2017

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Authentic Assurance From The True God

Christians know that they have eternal life, that God hears their prayers, that their sins are forgiven, and that they are protected by Christ because they know the One True God.

1 John 5:13-21

August 16, 2015

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Authentic Faith In A World Of Illusion

We must resist this fallen world, remembering that authentic, eternal life and joy Is found in God, not in this fading evil order of illusion that is passing away.

1 John 2:15-17

May 31, 2015

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Elements: Worship

Paul Foster Jr is the pastor at Lighthouse Church in Glen Burnie and good friends with Bret Hicks. His teaching is on the elements of faith and worship.

Romans 11:33-36

November 26, 2014

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A Rebellious King Is Rejected

Saul was rejected as king because he feared others and did not obey God’s word, and then made excuses for his sin, hoping that the rituals of worship would excuse his rebellion.

1 Samuel 15 (1 Samuel 15:22-23)

October 19, 2014

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Relationships are damaged when we act out of the improper motivation to manipulate others to meet our needs but are repaired when we follow Christ and let our actions be driven by the motivation to minister to the deepest needs of the other person.

Philippians 2:3-11

April 28, 2014

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The LORD Reigns

Our God reigns over all things, and this calls for a response of repentance, worship, and remembrance of God’s work in our behalf.

1 Samuel 5-7

April 6, 2014

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Living A Blessed Life In The iWorld

The blessed life for which we were created is not found in the technology of the iWorld and the glow of its screens but in the Presence of God and real human relationships.

Psalm 20:7

November 10, 2013

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Idolatry In the iWorld

Christians must be vigilant to keep themselves from Idols – anything we look to in place of God, assigning it god-like powers to give us what should be sought in God alone. Idolatry is rampant in the iWorld, and is concentrated in and perpetuated by technology.

1 John 5:21

September 16, 2013

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