

Glory Bound!

The parable of the sower, the seed, and the soils teaches the secret of the Kingdom of God – that it has broken into the world in the Person, teaching, and work of Jesus, that is rejected by many, but that the Word of Jesus will bear great fruit in the lives of those who hear and embrace it.

Mark 4:1-20

November 26, 2023

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A Seed of Hope

The good world that God created for mankind’s enjoyment was sabotaged by mans rebellion to the command of God but finds its fix in the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ Jesus. Genesis 3 Listen to the teaching Look at the outline Discussion Guide Slides Spotify

December 5, 2021

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The Advent of Hope in Christ

In times of distress we need to expectantly wait upon God, knowing we can have hope because He is the Sovereign God Who has fulfilled all of His promises in Christ.

Isaiah 40

November 29, 2020

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Who Is This?

Jesus is our Lord, our Messiah, and our King, the only begotten-Son of the Father, promised in the Old Testament to rescue His people and join them to His Father.

Matthew 21:1-11

April 5, 2020

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Finding Hope In Hard Times

In hard times we can easily give in to despair, but God uses times like this to call us to look to Him for mercy, salvation, and hope, knowing that He is the faithful God.

Lamentation 3:17-26

March 22, 2020

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The Root of Life (O Root of Jesse)

Jesus is the Root of Jesse, Who sustains and nourishes God’s people through every season of life, restoring them to God’s favor and producing fruit in them and throughout the earth.

Isaiah 11:1, 10-12

December 1, 2019

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But God…

The Believer’s testimony is that God mercifully stepped into our dead existence and brought us to life.

Ephesians 2:1-10

November 11, 2018

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King At Last!

David is an example of the patient endurance of faith that is required to receive God’s promises and fulfill our calling.

2 Samuel 2:1-5:5 (2 Samuel 5:1-5)

June 17, 2018

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A Holy People

The church is a holy people who have been chosen by God, given a mission, and are sustained and inspired by our hope in the return of Jesus Christ.

1 Thessalonians 1:4-10

April 30, 2017

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Hope: The Product of Faith

If you believe in the completed work of Christ then you must have hope in the work that has been done /is being done/will be done for you.

Romans 4:13-25

February 19, 2017

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The Glory To Come

The key to overcoming all of the suffering and sorrow in this life is not denying it, nor thinking on the good things experienced in this life, but rather in focusing of the immeasurable joy to be found in the glory of the age to come.

Romans 8:18

July 24, 2016

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The consummation of our salvation will happen at the return of Christ, when our bodies will be raised from the grave and transformed to be like Jesus’ body, and all of creation will be renewed. At that point, we and all of the renewed creation will experience the glorious freedom of full redemption and will radiate the glory of God.

Romans 8:18-25

July 13, 2014

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Learning to Grieve

A message given at the memorial service for a child who died shortly after birth. Shared with the permission of the family to help others who are grieving to find hope in Christ.

1 Thessalonians 4:13-14

March 31, 2012

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Gospel Fruit

As we respond to the Gospel with faith, love, and hope in Christ, it produces a harvest of work and endurance for God and His kingdom as we look forward to Christ’s return.

1 Thessalonians 1:1-3

January 29, 2012

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Unwrapping Hope In Christ

The hope that overcomes the despair and alienation caused by the fall is found in Christ, as we look to Him in faith.

Lamentations 3:19-26

November 27, 2011

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Called to a Holy Life of Hope

As God’s chosen people, we are called to lives of holiness, built upon an eternal perspective that generates hope no matter our present circumstances. 1 Peter 1:13-21 Reading: 1 John 3:1-3 Listen to the teaching Look at the teaching outline

June 6, 2010

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