
Heavenly Citizenship

The Church – The Persecuted Community of Faith

The Church is the community of those who are God’s people through faith in Christ and are therefore exiles in this world. Consequently, they must persevere through suffering and persecution, knowing God is worth far more than this passing age.

Hebrews 11

November 8, 2020

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Justification By Faith Alone

This looks at persecution in the early church. It will look up through the first couple of hundred years ending in the early to mid 200s.

June 29, 2014

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Called To Citizenship

Christians are called to serve God in their nation and culture, submitting to their leaders, and serving in the government and wider culture with unbelievers to promote the common good, always remembering that their true home is the new heavens and the new earth.

Romans 13:1-7; Jeremiah 29:4-7; Philippians 3:20-21

November 25, 2012

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Unity Through Humility

As citizens of heaven who have been blessed by God, we are to walk in humility before God and each other, which leads to unity in the church.

Philippians 2:1-4

February 17, 2008

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Living in the Shadowlands

Between the day of our redemption and the day we die, we live with one foot in the physical world stained by sin and the other foot in the Heavenly Kingdom that shines with an ever-increasing glory.

1 John 3:1-3

August 5, 2007

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Christ and the City of Jerusalem

The city of Jerusalem was a type and shadow of the true city of God, the new Jerusalem, which is comprised of all those who have faith in Christ.

Hebrews 11:8-16

August 1, 2004

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