

Glory Bound!

The parable of the sower, the seed, and the soils teaches the secret of the Kingdom of God – that it has broken into the world in the Person, teaching, and work of Jesus, that is rejected by many, but that the Word of Jesus will bear great fruit in the lives of those who hear and embrace it.

Mark 4:1-20

November 26, 2023

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The Mystery of Mankind

Man is made to glorify his maker. Man glorifies his maker by placing his mind on God and devoting his life to making disciples of Jesus Christ.

Psalm 8

June 19, 2022

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The Glory To Come

The key to overcoming all of the suffering and sorrow in this life is not denying it, nor thinking on the good things experienced in this life, but rather in focusing of the immeasurable joy to be found in the glory of the age to come.

Romans 8:18

July 24, 2016

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The consummation of our salvation will happen at the return of Christ, when our bodies will be raised from the grave and transformed to be like Jesus’ body, and all of creation will be renewed. At that point, we and all of the renewed creation will experience the glorious freedom of full redemption and will radiate the glory of God.

Romans 8:18-25

July 13, 2014

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The New Heavens and the New Earth Part1

The new heavens and the new earth are our eternal home, and those who love and serve God will experience the removal of the curse and the consummation of God’s original purposes for mankind.

Revelation 21:1-8

August 19, 2007

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The Resurrection of the Body -Part 2

At the resurrection, our present bodies will be raised and transformed to be like Christ’s resurrected and glorified body, exhibiting both continuity and discontinuity with our present body.

1 Corinthians 15:35-44

July 29, 2007

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