Persevering Through Trials
With Faith in Christ, we can persevere through any trial. Christ is our foundation to have patience, endurance, and steadfastness.
James 1:2-18
Biblically Based, Christ Centered, Caring Community in Annapolis, MD
With Faith in Christ, we can persevere through any trial. Christ is our foundation to have patience, endurance, and steadfastness.
James 1:2-18
In our journey through life, we often find ourselves at crossroads where we must choose between pursuing worldly success and embracing a higher calling. The story of Simon Peter’s encounter with Jesus by the Sea of Galilee offers a powerful illustration of this pivotal moment.
Luke 5:1-11
The fruit of true worship in the New Covenant that God desires is faith, prayer, and forgiveness.
Mark 11:20-25
Scripture tells us a lot about worship, but how do we become true worshipers of God? And why is it so important as Christians to participate in worship?
John 4:19-26
Everyone has faith in something, we are all believers in something. This raises questions though. How we think about meaning and purpose drive our behavior and inform our thinking. But we fool ourselves if we put faith in things that aren’t true; and fail to adequately address the doubts we all have whatever we believe.
John 18: 33-38
Trinity makes salvation possible and Trinity makes salvation sweet. Only with a God of Trinity can we be freely welcomed in together as brothers and sisters to share the joy of God and cry together, “Abba Father!”
Genesis 1:1-3; John 1:1-3
Christians must contend for the faith so that they can hold to what is true, identify what is false, and build up both their own faith and the faith of others.
Jude 3-4; 17-22
We can be distracted by many things, even good things, but fellowship with the Lord should always be our top priority.
Luke 10:38-42
The Syro-Phoenician woman is a paragon of humility and faith, accepting her utter need for God’s grace and actively seeking until she receives it.
Mark 7:24-30
When we pursue Christ, we can withstand the storm, be cleansed from our sin, and grow wise as we become more like Him.
Matthew 7:24-27
Jesus refuses the false expectations of the crowd, but reveals His true identity to His disciples by walking on the water, and confirms it through His healing power.
Mark 6:45-56
Jesus is the Good Shepherd who provides physical and spiritual rest, nourishment, and care, even in the wilderness.
Mark 6:30-44
The way of God’s Kingdom and Word causes scandal and offense to many, but God calls His people to continue to proclaim the Gospel of the Kingdom and minister to push back the kingdom of darkness.
Mark 6:1-13
From the story of Jairus we learn how to sustain faith while we await the final day when Jesus’ powerful word raises us from the dead.
Mark 5:21-43
Even those who are outcasts from society and whose situations are hopeless will receive salvation when they reach out to Christ through faith.
Mark 5:21-34
Jesus’ Sovereignty over the storm reveals His Deity and invites His disciples to turn from the fear of circumstances to the fear of God and trust in His Sovereign care.
Mark 4:35 – 41
Jesus has the authority not only to heal physical illness but also to forgive and heal sin, restoring people to God’s favor.
Mark 2:1-12
It is the responsibility of each individual member of the body of Christ to exercise the grace and faith given them by God with sound judgment, for the benefit of the body, and in meaningful community with the people of God.
Romans 12:3-8 (ESV)
The teaching of Jesus centered on the Gospel of the Kingdom – the Good News of God’s reign that had come with Jesus – and called for a response of repentance and faith.
Mark 1:14–15
True prayer and worship require a living faith that takes time to hear from God and respond in trust and obedience regardless of the current circumstances.
Psalm 95
Righteousness, peace and strength are mine not because of my current circumstances or vain desires, but from a true faith in God’s love, mercy, and goodness toward me and His people.
Habakkuk 3:17-19
Jesus is God’s Son who came to deliver God’s people.
Mark 1:1-15
To stand strong in the fiery trials of exile, God’s people must walk by faith – displaying humble confidence in God, trusting in His Sovereign Power, and obeying God and His Word regardless of the consequences.
Daniel 3 (Daniel 3:16-18)
To walk in God’s Way while surrounded by those who reject it, God’s people must learn to trust in His Sovereignty, knowing He rules all things and will fulfill His Word.
Psalm 1 – 2
The LORD sees me and provides for me, even sacrificing His own Son so that I might be spared and blessed.
Genesis 22:1-18