Be Alert
Jesus calls believers to be alert as we await His final return, not by looking for supposed signs but rather by maintaining a vibrant relationship with Him and His people.
Mark 13:32-37
Biblically Based, Christ Centered, Caring Community in Annapolis, MD
Jesus calls believers to be alert as we await His final return, not by looking for supposed signs but rather by maintaining a vibrant relationship with Him and His people.
Mark 13:32-37
Jesus prophesied that with the destruction of the Temple and the end of the Old Covenant era the Gospel would go to all nations, gathering people from every nation into God’s people.
Mark 13:1-4, 26-27, 30-31
Jesus prophesied that the Temple would be destroyed and the Old Covenant would end, for in the New Covenant the people of God are God’s Temple.
Mark 13
In the Olivet Discourse, Jesus prophesied that the temple and Jerusalem would be destroyed during the lifetime of the generation then alive, and this was fulfilled in 70 AD, proving the authority and truth of Jesus’ Word.
Mark 13
Jesus showed that Scripture teaches that life continues after death when God’s people experience the fullness of life and the promises of God.
Mark 12:18-27
Like Elijah and John the Baptist, we are called to be messengers proclaiming the King is coming, understanding that this often leads to opposition and suffering for the messenger.
Mark 9:9-13
The parable of the sower, the seed, and the soils teaches the secret of the Kingdom of God – that it has broken into the world in the Person, teaching, and work of Jesus, that is rejected by many, but that the Word of Jesus will bear great fruit in the lives of those who hear and embrace it.
Mark 4:1-20
Paul was abandoned by many in his time of need, but he was never alone for the Lord was always with Him, turning his suffering into opportunities for the Gospel, and delivering him even through death itself.
2 Timothy 4:9-22
Christians are motivated to finish well, even if it requires suffering, by remembering the eternal reward Christ will give to them when He returns.
2 Timothy 4:6-8
Church leaders are called to preach the whole Word of God, never altering it to suit the desires of others, so that they may faithfully fulfill their call.
2 Timothy 4:1-5
We live in the last days, which are terrible times marked by moral decay and deception, but the Gospel and Spirit provide power to deliver us from the dominance of sin and error.
2 Timothy 3:1-5
John is given a vision of Jesus as the Risen Christ, Who reigns over everything, and Who will return to complete God’s Eternal Plan.
Revelation 1:12-18; 19:11-16
God’s people will continue to go through trying times, but as they trust in God’s Sovereignty and their future eternal reward it will enable them to stand strong to the end.
Daniel 12
Daniel’s seventy sevens give us a picture of the coming of the Messiah to fulfill the old covenant and establish the new covenant, bringing full salvation for His people but judging those Who reject His sacrifice.
Daniel 9:20-27
Believers must be prepared to resist unauthentic teachings that distort the Person and work of Jesus Christ and thus create a false Gospel.
2 John 7-11
Jesus is the Dawning Light, breaking through the darkness in our life to give life, freedom, and joy.
Isaiah 9:1-2
Jesus turned water into wine as a sign that He is the Lord of the New Covenant and its great wedding feast.
John 2:1-11
The Gospel is not only rationally true – it addresses our deepest human longings and points us to true joy and rest.
Revelation 21:1-5
We must practice the habit of preaching the gospel to ourselves.
1 John 3:1-3
The church is to be a community overflowing with love, growing in holiness, as it waits for the return of Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 3:11-13
Jesus sees the patient perseverance of the Church through the midst of trials and He will reward her soon.
Revelation 3:7-13
The sin of mankind’s arrogance at the Tower of Babel brought about the curse of confused languages and the splintering and scattering of mankind. Nevertheless, the advancement of the Gospel of Jesus is undoing the effect of that curse of Babel in anticipation of the total and final reversal of the Curse.
Genesis 11:1-9
An authentic eschatology does not promote speculation about signs, but rather an eager hope for the completion of our salvation that is fueled by purifying ourselves from the practice of sin now.
1 John 2:28-3:3
Our God is One Who renews and restores that which has been broken and marred by sin, and Who proclaims “I make all things new!”
Revelation 21:1-5
Authentic faith does not follow antichrists – counterfeit teachers – but remains firm in Christ through the anointing of the Spirit and the apostolic teaching of Scripture.
1 John 2:18-27