Fight for the Faith
Christians must contend for the faith so that they can hold to what is true, identify what is false, and build up both their own faith and the faith of others.
Jude 3-4; 17-22
Biblically Based, Christ Centered, Caring Community in Annapolis, MD
Christians must contend for the faith so that they can hold to what is true, identify what is false, and build up both their own faith and the faith of others.
Jude 3-4; 17-22
When we seem to be forgotten and forsaken, we can know that Jesus will never leave or forsake us, and is always at work to hold us close to our Father
Isaiah 49:1-7
The church must be faithful, even when persecuted and killed, knowing that God is Sovereign and eternal life awaits His people.
Revelation 2:8-11
The church must test all teaching and reject false teachers, but it must also remain fervent in love for God and people.
Revelation 2:1-7
When we remind ourselves of God’s covenant love and forgiveness, it prompts us to a life of worship and loving obedience to our gracious Father.
Psalm 103
All Christians enjoy the forgiveness of sins, know God, and have overcome Satan.
1 John 2:12-14
Christians do not know the future, but we should face it in faith, trusting that our Sovereign God will work all things for our good.
Ecclesiastes 7:13-14
The work of the kingdom is not done by a few superstars, but through the Spirit-empowered efforts of a Christ-filled team comprised of all believers.
Colossians 4:7-18
As a local church BRCC is called to encourage each member to realize the calling they have been given in Christ, to encourage devotion to Christ and His call upon us, and to equip and encourage believers to fulfill their calling in Christ.
Romans 1:1-17