

Disciples Reach the World

Disciples are engaged in reaching the world, both locally and internationally, with the Gospel so that others may hear and respond to the Gospel.

Matthew 28:19-20

March 3, 2019

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Disciples Love Our God

Disciples love God with their whole being and express that love in worship with their fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.

Deuteronomy 6:4-5

February 10, 2019

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All Christians are commissioned by Jesus to be involved in the worldwide mission of evangelism and discipleship.

Matthew 28:18-20

May 20, 2018

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Jesus Is the True Vine

Jesus is the True Vine, bearing fruit where Israel failed, and those who remain in vital union with Him are fruitful to the glory of God.

John 15:1-8

March 20, 2016

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Jesus Is the Light of the World

Jesus is the Light of the world, calling everyone to leave the darkness and walk in the light of God by following Him in daily obedience.

John 8:12

February 21, 2016

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All In: The Church As Community

Those who have been reconciled to God by Christ are called to a life of community to help them hold unswervingly to the faith in this fallen world.

Hebrews 10:19-25

October 25, 2015

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All In: A Life of Total Commitment

Jesus calls each of us to deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow Him, for the only way to find true freedom, life and joy is by giving our life away for God and His kingdom.

Matthew 16:24-27

September 27, 2015

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Guarding The Deposit Of The Faith

It is the responsibility of every Christian to know, understand, guard, and pass the faith down to the next generation of believers.

2 Timothy 1:13-14

September 6, 2015

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Generational Discipleship – The Slones

Mike Slone, a missionary who works with Midshipmen at the Naval Academy through a group called the Navigators talks about John 17:18-21 and Generational Discipleship.

John 17:18-21

July 20, 2014

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Lee Short

Lee Short shares about the ministry in Mexico, the Dominican Republic, and throughout the Spanish speaking world.

March 30, 2014

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Another Link In the Chain

The church, strengthened by the grace of God, must make sure to pass the faith on from generation to generation.

2 Timothy 2:1-2

March 10, 2014

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Jesus commands everyone who has believed in Him to be water baptized as part of being a disciple of Christ.

Matthew 28:18-20

February 16, 2014

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Restrained In An Indulgent World

Christians are called to a life of self-denial and bearing the cross in order to follow Jesus, but the iWorld encourages a life of indulgence and instant gratification.

Luke 9:23

October 20, 2013

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Called To Jesus Christ

God has called us to Himself so decisively in Christ that everything we are, everything we do, and everything we have is transformed as we live our entire lives in response to His call.

Matthew 4:18-22

September 16, 2012

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A Glorious Ministry In Christ

God calls His people to be willing to pay the cost for a glorious ministry of fully presenting God’s Word about Jesus, as we teach and admonish one another so that each of us will become mature, wholehearted disciples of Jesus Christ.

Colossians 1:24-2:5

March 25, 2012

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Mike and Marsha Slone

Mike Slone shares with BRCC about the work God is doing through them at the Naval Academy and beyond.

February 12, 2012

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Called, Devoted, Equipped, and Encouraged

As a local church BRCC is called to encourage each member to realize the calling they have been given in Christ, to encourage devotion to Christ and His call upon us, and to equip and encourage believers to fulfill their calling in Christ.

Romans 1:1-17

February 5, 2012

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Training Future Leaders

God calls the Church to train future leaders to guard the faith from error, spread the faith to others in their generation, and pass the faith on to future generations.

2 Timothy 2:1-2

February 28, 2011

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Commissioned by God

We have been commissioned and empowered by God to go forth and make disciples, baptizing and teaching them the fullness of the faith.

Matthew 28:18-20

June 28, 2009

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Reaching Future Generations

God calls to us through the law and the Gospel to love Him with our entire being, and to raise future generations to turn to Christ so they can do the same thing.

Deuteronomy 6:4-9

July 20, 2008

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