More Than Meets the Eye
Jesus condemned the scribes who looked outwardly impressive but were inwardly far from God, but He praised a poor widow whose tiny offering flowed from a heart of true faith and love for God.
Mark 12:38-44
Biblically Based, Christ Centered, Caring Community in Annapolis, MD
Jesus condemned the scribes who looked outwardly impressive but were inwardly far from God, but He praised a poor widow whose tiny offering flowed from a heart of true faith and love for God.
Mark 12:38-44
The Pharisees and Herodians try to trap Jesus in a false dilemma about paying taxes, but in His brilliant answer Jesus provides the basis for a Christian view of government and citizenship.
Mark 12:13-17
The interaction of Jesus and Bartimaeus that led to his healing and salvation is the picture of true sight and the model of real discipleship.
Mark 10:46-52
Disciples personally respond to Christ in repentance and faith, obey His command to be baptized, and are vital members of a local church.
Acts 2:36-47
Disciples must follow Jesus in rejecting the world’s grasping for power, choosing to live as servants, willing to be mistreated and suffer, trusting God the Father to vindicate His followers in His own time.
Mark 10:32-45
Disciples of Christ must recognize and reject the temptation to trust in riches, look to God alone as their source of identity and salvation, and use their wealth to be a blessing to others.
Mark 10:17-31
No human can enter the kingdom of God by their own works or efforts but only by the grace and work of God.
Mark 10:17-31
Unlike the kingdoms of this world, the Kingdom of God does not give preference to the powerful or wealthy but is open to everyone who will receive it like a little child by recognizing their helplessness and great need that only Jesus can meet.
Mark 10:13-16
When a man and a woman take covenant marriage vows God supernaturally joins them together, creating a new union that they must spend the rest of their earthly life nurturing through healthy practices so that their marriage flourishes to the glory of God and their joy.
Mark 10: 5-9
Jesus taught that God made humans male or female and that marriage is the lifelong union of one man and one woman. Therefore any alternative ideas of “marriage” or contexts for sexual activity violate God’s design and intent.
Mark 10:1-12
Jesus taught that marriage was given by God at creation to be the lifelong union of one man and one woman, and disciples must look to strengthen marriage, not seek excuses to divorce.
Mark 10:1-12
A disciple is called to live at peace with other believers, focusing on rooting sin out of their own life rather than criticizing their brothers and sisters.
Mark 9:38-50
Disciples must understand the upside-down nature of the kingdom of God, for God’s Kingdom is established through the death of the King, and true greatness is found in being the servant of all.
Mark 9:14-29
God has given us His Word, the Bible, to feed us, guide us, point us to Christ, and show us how to live in a manner that is pleasing to Him and for our good.
Matthew 4:4; 2 Timothy 3:14-17
Disciples are called to follow Jesus, which means they must deny themselves and take up their cross, enduring persecution and suffering in this age while looking forward to the eternal reward they will be granted at the return of Christ.
Mark 8:34-38
Tim and Maureen McAlhaney serve with SIM in Kijabe, Kenya. They visited with us to give an update on their missions work in Kijabe.
Our triune God serves because love is the foundational feature of His identity, and blessing flows when we receive His love and share it with others.
John 13: 1-17
The true family of Jesus and His followers is not defined by biological relation but rather by a common obedience to the will of God.
Mark 3: 31-35
Jesus had a distinct relationship and response to the crowds, demonic powers, and His disciples, who were called out of the crowd to be with Him and then go back to the crowd to proclaim the Gospel and confront Satan’s kingdom.
Mark 3:7-19
Jesus is calling a community of disciples/followers/apprentices to learn from His teachings, be transformed to have His character, and imitate His practices and life rhythms.
Mark 1:16–20
Jesus is calling disciples – those who sacrifice everything so they can follow and be apprenticed by Him to enable them to reach out to others and help them to follow Jesus.
Mark 1:16-20
Man is made to glorify his maker. Man glorifies his maker by placing his mind on God and devoting his life to making disciples of Jesus Christ.
Psalm 8
God’s people must have a faith that is rooted in the truths He has revealed in the ancient past, is experienced in a life of present trust and obedience, and that labors to build for the generations to come.
Psalm 78:1-7
God is the God of generations and calls his people to pray and work to pass the faith from one generation to the next.
Deuteronomy 4:9
The only way to gain Christ is to lose self and to open our lives to how, what, when, and where God is going.
Mark 8:31-38