
Deity of Christ

Ephesus: The Loveless Church

The church must test all teaching and reject false teachers, but it must also remain fervent in love for God and people.

Revelation 2:1-7

February 26, 2017

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Jesus Is the Light of the World

Jesus is the Light of the world, calling everyone to leave the darkness and walk in the light of God by following Him in daily obedience.

John 8:12

February 21, 2016

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Jesus Is the Bread of Life

Jesus is the Bread of Life, Who came down from heaven and was broken for us so that whoever feeds upon Him through believing in Him would have eternal life.

John 6:35; John 6:22-69

February 14, 2016

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Jesus Is the Great I AM

Jesus is the Great I AM – the eternal, sovereign God, and the only source of true life and salvation.

John 8:56-59

February 7, 2016

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The Story : Creation and Blessing

The story begins with creation and God’s blessing, which were given to us as His image, and were intended to be multiplied throughout life.

John 1:1-3

November 29, 2015

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Authentic Faith

Authentic faith is rooted in regeneration and is displayed in an orthodox faith and in a willing, joyful life of obedience to God’s commands that overcomes the world.

1 John 5:1-5

August 2, 2015

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Introducing the Authentic Word of Life

Authentic faith is built upon Jesus, the True Word of Life, is proclaimed in the Gospel, and produces fellowship and full joy as we walk with God and His people.

1 John 1:1-4

April 12, 2015

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John – The Eagle

John presents Jesus as the Eternal God in flesh – fully Divine, Creator of all, the True Light, the Great I AM – coming to reveal the Father and redeem His people.

John 1:1-18

March 22, 2015

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Mark – The Lion

Mark presents Jesus as the High King on the move. Although His true identity was hidden from most, His ultimate authority and power confronts the world and could not be withstood. Ultimately all will choose either complete allegiance to this King, or high treason against His Kingdom.

Mark 1:1-15

March 9, 2015

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Behold Christ!

The ancient church saw the Gospels as a fulfillment of Ezekiel and John’s visions, and as testimonies to Christ – who is the focal point of all of God’s revelation.

Ezekiel 1:4-11; Revelation 4:6-11

February 22, 2015

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