

The Blessing of God

God calls His people, and especially leaders, to bless brothers and sisters in Christ, passing on the covenant blessings God has promised to His people

Numbers 6:22-27

December 31, 2023

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Christ the True and Better Deliverer

Jesus the Anointed One fills out the redemptive patterns (or “types”) in Genesis 22, revealing that our salvation rests on Jesus’s perfect, lifelong, patient, vicarious obedience to the point of death a cross and on his vindicating resurrection from the dead.

Hebrews 3:1-6 (ESV)

December 17, 2023

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The Good Shepherd

Jesus is the Good Shepherd who provides physical and spiritual rest, nourishment, and care, even in the wilderness.

Mark 6:30-44

July 2, 2023

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Our Eternal Lord

Ezekiel was a priest who spoke God’s Word to God’s people who were exiles in Babylon, and he told of the Messiah as an eternal Lord Who will rule His people, bless His people and dwell with His people forever.

Ezekiel 37:24-28 (ESV)

December 12, 2021

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Exile Prayers

In light of the experience of the exile and his visions of the future, and built upon biblical teaching regarding God’s covenant and the end of the exile, Daniel turns to God in an intense time of prayer – praising God, confessing the sin of God’s people, and crying out […]

October 17, 2021

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The Lord Will Provide

The LORD sees me and provides for me, even sacrificing His own Son so that I might be spared and blessed.

Genesis 22:1-18

June 7, 2020

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The Obedience of Faith

True faith leads to a life of growing obedience to God’s covenant and commands.

Genesis 17 (17:1-14; 23-27)

March 8, 2020

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The Covenant of Promise

God promised to bless Abram and his seed abundantly, and He called Abram and His seed to be a blessing to the whole world.

Genesis 12:1-7

February 23, 2020

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The Covenant of Preservation (Noah)

In the fall, humans broke God’s covenant and fell under the curse, but God In His grace, God gave His covenant promise to preserve creation and humanity, renewing the covenant of creation and establishing human government to restrain evil and promote the common good through this age until the final judgment.

Genesis 6:17-18; 9:1-11

February 9, 2020

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The Covenant of Redemption (Adam)

In the fall, humans broke God’s covenant and fell under the curse, but God promised to redeem humans from the curse through the coming Seed of the woman.

Genesis 3:14–19

February 2, 2020

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The Covenant of Creation – Part 3

God’s covenant of creation calls us to obey Him as our covenant Lord, embracing the limitations He built into us at creation, including receiving and celebrating the gift of Sabbath rest.

Genesis 1:26–2:3; Genesis 2:15-17

January 26, 2020

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The Covenant of Creation – Part 2

In creation, God entered into a covenant with humanity as the image of God, calling us to worshipful obedience through proper relationships with creation, other humans, and God Himself.

Genesis 1:26–28; Genesis 2:18–24

January 19, 2020

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The Covenant of Creation – Part 1

In creation, God entered into a covenant with humanity as the image of God, calling us to worshipful obedience through proper relationships with creation, other humans, and God Himself.

Genesis 1:26–2:3; Genesis 2:15–17

January 12, 2020

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Understanding Covenants

A Covenant is an oath defining the nature, promises, and consequences of a relationship.

Deuteronomy 29:9-15

January 5, 2020

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The Dynasty Secured

God fulfilled His promise to David that his son would follow him as king and build God’s house, first in Solomon and ultimately in Jesus.

1 Chronicles 28-29 (1 Chronicles 28:2-10, 20; 29:22-25)

November 4, 2018

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The Blessing

God calls leaders to bless those under their care, passing on the covenant blessings God has promised to His people.

Numbers 6:22-27

September 9, 2018

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The Davidic Covenant

When God graciously promised to bless David and his house, David responded in prayer with humility, praise, thanksgiving, and bold faith.

2 Samuel 7

July 29, 2018

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The Advent Promise Endangered

When we seem to be forgotten and forsaken, we can know that Jesus will never leave or forsake us, and is always at work to hold us close to our Father

Isaiah 49:1-7

December 17, 2017

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The Advent Promise Delayed

The key to sustaining faith and resisting doubt, discouragement, and disobedience is to regularly remember and recount God’s Story of Promise.

Exodus 1:11-14

December 10, 2017

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The Advent Promise Given

In the midst of the wreckage of the Fall, God gave a promise that Jesus would come to redeem and rescue us.

Genesis 3:15

December 3, 2017

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The Shepherd Singer

David expressed his faith in God’s loving care through songs of worship to His Shepherd King.

Psalm 23

April 17, 2016

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