
Common Grace

Faithfully Fulfilling Our Callings

Christians should strive by God’s grace to be faithful in their callings – the specific tasks and responsibilities given to us by God, through which God works to serve our neighbors and promote the common good, restraining the effects of the curse and bringing blessing to every realm of life and every corner of creation.

Colossians 3:23-24; 1 Peter 4:10-11

January 1, 2023

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The Covenant of Preservation (Noah)

In the fall, humans broke God’s covenant and fell under the curse, but God In His grace, God gave His covenant promise to preserve creation and humanity, renewing the covenant of creation and establishing human government to restrain evil and promote the common good through this age until the final judgment.

Genesis 6:17-18; 9:1-11

February 9, 2020

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Peace For The City

Christians are called to seek shalom (peace) for their city through prayer, godly speech, working with others to promote human flourishing, and always promoting the Gospel as the only hope for true shalom.

Jeremiah 29:7

May 3, 2015

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Understanding Our Calling

Calling refers to the specific tasks and responsibilities given to us by God, through which God works to serve our neighbors and promote the common good, restraining the effects of the curse and bringing blessing to every realm of life and every corner of creation.

1 Peter 4:10-11; Jeremiah 29:4-7

September 30, 2012

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The Thanksgiving Meal

The Eucharist is the thanksgiving meal, where God’s people receive His grace anew and give thanks for His many blessings.

Matthew 26:26-29

August 19, 2012

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Unwrapping Love In Christ

The love of God – which is the source of all love – has taken human form in Jesus, and we are called to believe in Him and love others as He did.

1 John 4:9-11

December 11, 2011

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Living as Citizens of Two Kingdoms

Christians are citizens of the common kingdom because they are humans, but they are also citizens of the redemptive kingdom because they have been born again in Christ, and they must never confuse or merge these kingdoms. John 17:14-18 Reading: Psalm 47:1-9 Listen to the teaching Look at the teaching […]

January 16, 2011

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Dare To Be A Daniel: Living As God’s Sojourning Exiles

Daniel serves as an example of how God sojourning exile people are to remain distinct in their faith and worship yet labor with unbelievers in the common kingdom, in order that God may use us to draw people into His redemptive kingdom.

Daniel 1

December 12, 2010

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Giving Caesar His Due

Government has been given by God as part of the common kingdom of man to promote justice and maintain order, and Christians are called to pray for and submit to their government whenever possible.

Romans 13: 1-7

November 15, 2010

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A Tale of Two Kingdoms (Part 2)

After the fall, God instituted a distinction between the kingdom of man, the realm of common grace ruled through general revelation, and the kingdom of God, the realm of saving grace ruled through special revelation.

Romans 2:14-15

November 1, 2010

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A Tale of Two Kingdoms (Part 1)

After the fall, God instituted a distinction between the kingdom of man, the realm of common grace ruled through general revelation, and the kingdom of God, the realm of saving grace ruled through special revelation, in order to preserve the human race and redeem His people.

John 18:33-36

October 10, 2010

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Creation, Culture, and the Curse

Humans were created to cultivate culture by ruling and developing God’s creation, but the fall caused significant changes in creation and necessitated redemption.

Genesis 1:26-28; 2:15-17; 3:14-20

October 3, 2010

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