

United By Blood

Sin alienated us from God and one another, but Christ’s blood has purchased our unity with God and one another.

Ephesians 2:11-22

April 19, 2019

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Building the House of God

Despite all his failures, David was a true worshipper of God and wanted to see God’s house built for the glory of God and to draw people to Yahweh.

1 Chronicles 29 (1 Chronicles 29:10-22)

October 28, 2018

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The Question of Hypocrisy

Every human sins and fails to live up to God’s righteous standards, but the Gospel offers forgiveness to those who confront this fact and openly confess and repent of sin.

Matthew 23:1-13

April 29, 2018

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Caring Community

We are living stones being built into a spiritual house where we can access God directly, shine light in a dark world, and be empowered to serve and love even in the midst of the world’s rejection thanks to God’s grace.

1 Peter 2:4-10

January 28, 2018

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A Christ-Centered Church

We are seeking to build a church that is centered on the Person and work of Jesus Christ, the Risen, exalted God-Man who has Redeemed us.

1 Peter 2:4-10

January 14, 2018

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A Biblically Based Church

We are seeking to build a church whose life, ministry and mission are built upon the firm foundation of God’s Word, the Bible.

1 Peter 2:4-10

January 7, 2018

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A Holy Community of Love

The church is to be a community overflowing with love, growing in holiness, as it waits for the return of Jesus.

1 Thessalonians 3:11-13

June 4, 2017

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A Holy Ministry

Holy ministry flows from proper motives, is conducted in a Christlike manner, and endures difficulty until the Gospel bears fruit.

1 Thessalonians 2:1-12

May 14, 2017

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A Holy People

The church is a holy people who have been chosen by God, given a mission, and are sustained and inspired by our hope in the return of Jesus Christ.

1 Thessalonians 1:4-10

April 30, 2017

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All In: The Church On Mission

The church is empowered by the Spirit for our mission of testifying to Jesus and the Gospel, both locally and around the world.

Acts 1:8

November 1, 2015

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All In: The Church As Community

Those who have been reconciled to God by Christ are called to a life of community to help them hold unswervingly to the faith in this fallen world.

Hebrews 10:19-25

October 25, 2015

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Growing As A Community

God calls His people to grow in their relationships with one another, building a close-knit community centered around Christ.

Matthew 18:19-20

February 3, 2013

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Called To the Church

When Christ calls us through the Gospel, He calls us into local churches where we can be protected, strengthened and equipped by those whom Christ has saved and called to be leaders in the church. NOTE: THE LAST 20 MINUTES IS AN ORDINATION CEREMONY.

Acts 14:21-23

November 12, 2012

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The Local Church and the Universal Church

Christians are called to embrace a local church where they live out their faith, and the universal Church, which is the fulness of Christ and the focus of God’s great promises.

1 Corinthians 1:1-3

October 14, 2012

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A Christ Filled Team

The work of the kingdom is not done by a few superstars, but through the Spirit-empowered efforts of a Christ-filled team comprised of all believers.

Colossians 4:7-18

July 22, 2012

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Our More Perfect Union

After Jesus’ body was broken on the cross He formed One new body. He called this body The Church. It now looks and acts exactly like Jesus. Because it is Jesus’ body.

Ephesians 4:1-3

July 15, 2012

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As we partake of Communion in faith, Christians are united in fellowship with Christ and His Body, the Church.

Luke 22:19-20; 1 Corinthians 10:16-17; 1 Corinthians 11:23-28

June 3, 2012

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A Thriving Future

The book of Acts closes with a bold, unhindered proclamation of the Gospel – in spite of all the oppositions of Satan and the world – which guarantees a glorious thriving future for the Church and the kingdom of God.

Acts 28:30-31

November 20, 2011

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Thriving Through Persecution

God is on a mission to glorify the name of His Son, Jesus.  There are times that God has chosen to use persecution to ensure that the gospel of His Son goes forth and that His Church thrives.

Acts 8:1-8

November 13, 2011

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A Thriving Growth

Luke describes the early church as thriving with continuous growth as it is strengthened by the Spirit through the means of grace to fulfill the Great Commission –  even in the face of severe opposition.

Acts 6:7; 9:31; 12:24; 16:5; 19:20

November 7, 2011

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