The Beautiful Community – Humble Servanthood
If the Church is to be a beautiful community of unity and diversity, we must walk in humility, being willing to sacrifice our own rights in order to serve our brothers and sisters.
Biblically Based, Christ Centered, Caring Community in Annapolis, MD
If the Church is to be a beautiful community of unity and diversity, we must walk in humility, being willing to sacrifice our own rights in order to serve our brothers and sisters.
Following Jesus is not about the things that he can give us or do for us, but recognizing the thing that he has done for us. With that view, we must in turn serve others with the empowerment he has given us, while pointing the way to him.
Mark 10:35-52
This series looks at seven titles of the Coming Messiah found in the book of Isaiah. These titles were all part of a special series of songs Christians in earlier times sang the week before Christmas, culminating on Christmas Eve with the singing of “O Come O Come Emmanuel”.
Jesus is Emmanuel, God with us, rescuing and restoring us to God.
Isaiah 7:14
Jesus was rejected by humanity, but He is the Chief Cornerstone of God’s Temple and the King of all the nations.
Isaiah 49:5-7
Jesus is the Dawning Light, breaking through the darkness in our life to give life, freedom, and joy.
Isaiah 9:1-2
Jesus is the key of David, who unlocks the shackles and frees the captives from the dark dungeons of sin, brings us into the light and opens the gates of heaven for us to have eternal fellowship with the triune God.
Isaiah 22:22
Jesus is the Root of Jesse, Who sustains and nourishes God’s people through every season of life, restoring them to God’s favor and producing fruit in them and throughout the earth.
Isaiah 11:1, 10-12
Jesus is the LORD Who saves, delivering His people from sin, restoring them to God’s favor and blessing and drawing them close to Himself.
Isaiah 11:1–5; Isaiah 33:22
Jesus is anointed with the Spirit of wisdom to govern and order everything rightly, and as God’s Word of Wisdom He justifies and sanctifies us so that we may walk in the wisdom of holiness.
Isaiah 11:1-5
Jesus healed the man who was blind from birth to show that He is the Messiah, the Light of the world, Who came to call sinful humans out of the darkness into His glorious light.
John 11
Jesus healed the man who was blind from birth to show that He is the Messiah, the Light of the world, Who came to call sinful humans out of the darkness into His glorious light.
John 9:1-7
Jesus fed the multitude as a sign that He is the True Bread of Life, Who came down from heaven so that whoever feeds upon Him through believing in Him would have eternal life.
John 6:1-15 NIV2011
Jesus healed the lame man with His powerful word on the Sabbath to show that He is Lord of the Sabbath because He is One with God the Father and does the works of the Father.
John 5:1-18
Jesus is the Sovereign Lord over all Who calls us to embrace Him in humble faith for Who He is, not for what we want Him to do for us.
John 4:43-54
Jesus cleansed the Temple as a sign that He is the Lord of God’s House, and the True Temple of God.
John 2:13-25
Jesus turned water into wine as a sign that He is the Lord of the New Covenant and its great wedding feast.
John 2:1-11
Bret gives a short conclusion to the series Images of Christ with this teaching. Listen to the teaching Look at the outline
Jesus, the Ox, is the True servant of God, suffering and dying that we might have life.
Mark 10:45
Jesus, the Lion, is King over all ruling everything for the glory of God and the good of God’s people.
Isaiah 9:6-7
Jesus, the Man, was truly human so that He might fulfill humanity’s obligations to God by completely obeying God’s Law and suffering and dying for human disobedience.
Matthew 1:1
The promise of an eternal kingdom is fulfilled in Jesus Christ, David’s Son, who builds God house the church and rules over the kingdom forever.
2 Samuel 7:11-16
Jesus sees the patient perseverance of the Church through the midst of trials and He will reward her soon.
Revelation 3:7-13
Jesus is the Lamb of God who came to take away our sin so that we might glorify and enjoy God forever.
John 1:29
Lowly, unclean shepherds first heard and saw that the Lamb of God had come and would take away our sins so that all could be restored to God.
Luke 2:8-15