
Christian Life

Sufferring as a Christian

When faced with the fire of suffering for our faith, we are called to rejoice and entrust ourselves to our faithful God and continue to do good.

1 Peter 4:12-19

August 22, 2010

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Suffering Because Christ Suffered

The society that we live in desires our sin. Are we willing to reject that sin and suffer as a result of that rejection as Christ suffered as our example.

1 Peter 4:1-11

August 15, 2010

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Suffering and Vindication

As Christians, we may be called by God to suffer for doing good, but He will vindicate His people in the end.

1 Peter 3:8-22

August 8, 2010

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Living in Godly Submission (Part 3)

As God’s exile, sojourning people, Christian wives are called to submit to the husbands God has placed over them – even if they are ungodly, and Christian husbands are called to show honor to their wives.

1 Peter 3:1-7

August 1, 2010

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Living in Godly Submission (Part 2)

As God’s exile, sojourning people, Christians are called to submit to the authorities God has placed over them – even if they are ungodly and unjust.

1 Peter 2:11-12, 18-25

July 25, 2010

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Living in Godly Submission (Part 1)

As God’s exile, sojourning people, Christians are called to submit to the authorities God has placed over them – even if they are ungodly and unjust.

1 Peter 2:11-17

July 18, 2010

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Living as God’s Exile People

As God’s exile, sojourning people, Christians are called to resist sin and live lives devoted to good works, hoping that God will use these to draw unbelievers to the Gospel.

1 Peter 2:11-12

July 11, 2010

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Called to a Holy Life of Hope

As God’s chosen people, we are called to lives of holiness, built upon an eternal perspective that generates hope no matter our present circumstances. 1 Peter 1:13-21 Reading: 1 John 3:1-3 Listen to the teaching Look at the teaching outline

June 6, 2010

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The One True Hope

We are to praise God for the hope we have in Jesus Christ in the midst of the conflict that exists between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Man. 1 Peter 1:3-12 Reading: Daniel 12 Listen to the teaching

May 30, 2010

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God’s Chosen Exile People

God’s chosen people live as exiles in this world, but are sustained by the covenant grace and peace of the Father, Son, and Spirit. 1 Peter 1:1-2 Reading: Hebrews 11:8-16 Listen to the teaching Look at the teaching outline

May 23, 2010

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Guilt, Grace, and Gratitude – The Gospel and Its Fruit

To be part of God’s people I must know how great my sin is, how God has delivered me from my sin and misery through Jesus Christ, and how I can show my gratitude to God for delivering me. Ephesians 2:1-10 Reading: Titus 2:11-14 Listen to the teaching Look at […]

May 16, 2010

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The Benefits of Baptism

Water baptism is the sign and seal of our union with Christ, a means of grace to provide strength in our struggle against sin, and the medium through which we testify of our faith in Christ and membership in the church. Romans 6:1-7 Reading:  Colossians 2:9-15 Benediction:  1 Thessalonians 5:23-24 […]

March 21, 2010

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Children of the Father

Jesus reveals not only what it means to be the Son of God, but what it means to be a child of the Father.

Romans 8:12-17

December 13, 2009

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God is Perfect

If God is perfect, what should our response to a perfect God look like in our daily living?

May 31, 2009

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Fighting the Battle

If we are to be successful in this battle that we have been called to fight, we need to know the tools that God has given us to fight the battle, and we need to know how to use those tools in the midst of the battle.

Ephesians 6:10-20

February 15, 2009

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Discerning the Battle Lines

We must be able to discern where the battle lines have been drawn if we have any chance of even entering into the battle.

1 Peter 5:8

February 8, 2009

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Love One Another

Our love for one another shows the world that we are disciples of Jesus Christ.

John 13:31-35

December 28, 2008

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The Gifts of the Spirit

Spiritual gifts are concrete expressions of God’s grace, manifested by the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, given to each believer in order to strengthen the church and enable us to serve others in love.

1 Corinthians 12:1-11

November 2, 2008

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What It Means to be a Disciple

A disciple is one who recognizes their sin, receives the forgiveness offered in Christ, and lives a life of worship and service in the context of a local community of believers.

Acts 2:36-47

July 13, 2008

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Created to be a Dreamer

We all take actions, pursue relationships, and feel emotions, based on rational beliefs that we have defined within our lives. What is it that informs those definitions? It is the mindsets or dreams that we base our lives upon.  How do we respond when those dreams or mindsets appear to be shattered?

John 20:1-10

June 29, 2008

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