

The Fugitive’s Faith

When persecuted David displayed an obedient faith that feared and sought God, was sensitive to his own sin, and looked to God for deliverance.

1 Samuel 23-24 (1 Samuel 24:11-15)

May 22, 2016

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Jesus Is the True Vine

Jesus is the True Vine, bearing fruit where Israel failed, and those who remain in vital union with Him are fruitful to the glory of God.

John 15:1-8

March 20, 2016

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Peace for the Coming Year

A Godward life of joy, prayer, and virtue is full of the Presence and peace of God, which expels our anxiety and sin.

Philippians 4:4-9

January 3, 2016

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What Comfort Zone

What Comfort Zone

As those saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, we are called to cast away our fear, doubt, and anxiety despite our circumstances and step out of our comfort zones and face change with confidence in God’s character and the absolute truth of His Word.

2 Corinthians 4:7-12

February 1, 2015

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A Wicked King

Over time, Saul’s sin grew from a lack of personal integrity to consulting witches – with devastating effects for himself and those under his leadership.

1 Samuel 18-28 (1 Samuel 18:20-22; 28:3-7)

November 2, 2014

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The True Nature of Freedom

Christ came to give us true freedom, the ability to be who we were created to be – the image of God, serving others in love.

Galatians 5:13-15

July 6, 2014

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Restrained In An Indulgent World

Christians are called to a life of self-denial and bearing the cross in order to follow Jesus, but the iWorld encourages a life of indulgence and instant gratification.

Luke 9:23

October 20, 2013

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Christians Captivated By Nothing

Christians must always be on their guard against being carried away by the empty deceits offered by the world to replace Jesus as our only source of true fulfillment and joy.

Colossians 2:8

April 29, 2012

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The Integrity of the Wise

The wise are called to lives of integrity – speaking truthfully, acting honestly, and behaving reliably.

Proverbs 13:6

December 17, 2006

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The Way of Wisdom

The wisdom books of the Old Testament teach us how to shape our souls so that we acquire the skill to learn and live successfully in this fallen world.

Proverbs 1:1-7

September 24, 2006

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