A Rebel Sent to Rebels
God sends flawed rebel servants like Jonah and us to proclaim His Word to rebels who do not know Him so that they might turn to Him and be saved.
Jonah 3
Biblically Based, Christ Centered, Caring Community in Annapolis, MD
God sends flawed rebel servants like Jonah and us to proclaim His Word to rebels who do not know Him so that they might turn to Him and be saved.
Jonah 3
Jonah’s prayer of thanksgiving from inside the fish is a model of crying out to God with His Word, but it also reveals Jonah’s lack of personal repentance and his lack of compassion for the lost.
Jonah 2
Jonah was called to proclaim God’s word to the city of Nineveh, but he rebelled and tried to flee from God and His call, but God relentlessly pursued him and even the sailors whose lives Jonah endangered by his rebellion.
Jonah 1
Those who trust God and His Word will find His deliverance and protection, while those who defiantly reject it will fall.
Isaiah 36 – 37
Like Isaiah, we are commissioned to speak God’s truth, and the measure of success is faithfulness to the truth, not the response of the hearers.
Isaiah 6:8-13
Isaiah was given a revelation of God’s glory and holiness, which revealed his own weakness and sin, and then he received atonement from God.
Isaiah 6:1-7
Isaiah was a man called by God to apply God’s Word to the turbulent times in which he lived, and to call God’s people to behold God and live with hope in the midst of uncertain and difficult days.
Isaiah 1:1
Timothy and Epaphroditus were Christ-like examples, serving others even at great personal sacrifice and risk.
Philippians 2:19-30
In the book of Ruth, we see how God is faithful to His covenant people, through all circumstances.
Ruth 4:18-22
Jesus is our Kinsman Redeemer – a member of our family Who defends, protects, and redeems us from our trouble.
Ruth 2:20
In the book of Ruth, we see God’s deep concern for the poor, and how His people are called to care for the poor.
Ruth 2:1-3
God calls His people to respond to Him in faith and to display a character that is like His.
Ruth 2:5-12
The book of Ruth is a showcase of God’s providence, his ongoing and intimate relationship with his creation.
The book of Ruth shows a God Who is Sovereign over all things, and people who respond to this fact with great initiative and hard work.
Ruth 1:22-2:3; 4:13
God, as kinsman-redeemer to Naomi and Ruth, prepares the way for his own son, our kinsman-redeemer.
Ruth 4
God works to restore us through the work of a kinsman redeemer, a close relative who protects and provides for us.
Ruth 3
The Valley of Tears has become fields of food, family, and hope.
Ruth 2
When suffering comes into our lives, it is hard to see God’s purposes accurately, but He will bring us through the valley of tears.
Ruth 1