
Anxiety and Worry

When Less Is More

True abundance is not found in a life full of distractions but in one that has reduced activities to allow time to listen to Jesus speak.

Luke 10:38-42

February 4, 2024

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The Good Portion

We can be distracted by many things, even good things, but fellowship with the Lord should always be our top priority.

Luke 10:38-42

October 15, 2023

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Finding Hope In Hard Times

In hard times we can easily give in to despair, but God uses times like this to call us to look to Him for mercy, salvation, and hope, knowing that He is the faithful God.

Lamentation 3:17-26

March 22, 2020

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A Godly Response to the Coronavirus

We should respond to times of sickness and suffering with faith in God rather than fear, and act with love for our fellow humans, looking for how God is working to draw people to Himself.

Psalm 46

March 15, 2020

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How Long O Lord?

In life’s dark moments we should express our pain to God and remind ourselves of His covenant love until we move from grief and fear to joy and trust.

Psalm 13

January 15, 2017

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Christian Citizenship

What does it mean to be a Christian and a citizen of the USA? What is my call as a Christian citizen?

1 Peter 2:11-12

July 17, 2016

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The Fugitive’s Fear

When David does not seek God and trust in His Word but instead acts based on his internal fears, he wanders into a period of exile and sin.

1 Samuel 26-28:2 (1 Samuel 27:1)

June 12, 2016

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The Fugitive

David’s time as a fugitive fleeing the madness and wrath of Saul shows that real security is found in God, not our outer circumstances.

1 Samuel 21-22 (22:1-5)

May 15, 2016

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Peace for the Coming Year

A Godward life of joy, prayer, and virtue is full of the Presence and peace of God, which expels our anxiety and sin.

Philippians 4:4-9

January 3, 2016

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All In: The Disciple and Money

Jesus calls us to resist the spirit of greed, being content, trusting God’s faithfulness rather than money, and generously

1 Timothy 6:3-10; 17-19

October 18, 2015

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What Comfort Zone

What Comfort Zone

As those saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, we are called to cast away our fear, doubt, and anxiety despite our circumstances and step out of our comfort zones and face change with confidence in God’s character and the absolute truth of His Word.

2 Corinthians 4:7-12

February 1, 2015

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The Freedom of Simplicity

Freedom is not found in a life full of distractions, but in one that has reduced activities to allow time to receive Christ and His Word.

Luke 10:38-42

January 4, 2015

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How The Mighty Have Fallen

Saul fell because he did not really seek to know God and His will, preferring to attempt to manipulate God into blessing his own desires and actions.

1 Samuel 28-2 Samuel 1; 1 Chronicles 10 (1 Samuel 28:4-7; 1 Chronicles 10:13-14; 2 Samuel 1:17-27)

November 9, 2014

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UnCommon Quietness In Prayer

God desires for our prayers to be filled with the confidence that He is our Helper in times of trouble, and that we would pray words of blessing over others.

Psalm 131

April 14, 2013

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UnCommon Anguish In Prayer

God desires for our prayers to be filled with reality, including deep the deep anguish arising from living in this fallen world, and the hope that comes from knowing that in Christ we are never alone.

Psalm 22

March 3, 2013

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Live By Faith – Not Anxiety

We must learn to focus on the Kingdom of God, and not the fears and worries of this world. Otherwise, we will fail to realize that which God has called us to become.

Matthew 6:25-34

May 1, 2011

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A Godward Life

Rather than facing our circumstances with anxiety, we should draw near to God and live for Him, knowing the God of peace is with us.

Philippians 4:4-9

May 4, 2008

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