
Phillip Mohr

Christ the True and Better Son

Jesus the Anointed One fills out the redemptive patterns (or “types”) in Genesis 22, revealing that our salvation rests on Jesus’s perfect, lifelong, patient, vicarious obedience to the point of death a cross and on his vindicating resurrection from the dead.

Genesis 22:1–19

December 10, 2023

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Repentance, Prayer, and the Way Everlasting

The “way everlasting” is opened only to those who are tested and known by God. In other words, God works salvation for those who in faith turn away from their sins and turn to rely on God’s mercy in Jesus Christ.

August 7, 2022

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A Sufferer’s Prayer

The pattern of biblical lament illustrates the pattern of the life of trusting in and following Jesus Christ. The pattern of biblical lament leads us through humiliation toward the cross with a view to glory: by faith we come to share in Christ’s sufferings and gain assurance of sharing in Christ’s glory.

Psalm 102

June 27, 2022

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The Question of Sexuality

Present-day questions about sexuality should be viewed in light of God’s original design (creation), our sinful hearts and corrupt desires (the fall), Christ’s person and work (redemption), and our ultimate end (consummation).

Revelation 19:6-9

April 22, 2018

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The Power of God in the Obedience of Christians

Our life of humble obedience to God is not a historical accident but a foreordained and sure plan for sanctification that is patterned after Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit.

Philippians 2:12–18

August 20, 2017

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