

Who Should Be Baptized?

In view of the biblical teaching on the New Covenant and water baptism, only those who have personally professed faith in Christ should be water baptized. Acts 2:38-39; Acts 8:18; 1 Corinthians 7:14 Reading: Hebrews 8:6-13 Listen to the teaching Look at the teaching outline

April 25, 2010

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Christ’s Resurrection and Our Salvation

Christ’s resurrection is the basis of our salvation so that we can rejoice in what has come to us entirely by grace. Ephesians 2:4-10 Reading: 1 Corinthians 15:12-23 Listen to the teaching Look at the teaching outline

April 4, 2010

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The Limits of Water Baptism

Water baptism does not remove original sin or produce regeneration or justification, but it is the sign that these things have been already done by God and received by faith alone. John 3:3-7; Romans 4:9-12 Reading: Romans 4:16-25 Listen to the teaching Look at the teaching outline

March 28, 2010

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The Benefits of Baptism

Water baptism is the sign and seal of our union with Christ, a means of grace to provide strength in our struggle against sin, and the medium through which we testify of our faith in Christ and membership in the church. Romans 6:1-7 Reading:  Colossians 2:9-15 Benediction:  1 Thessalonians 5:23-24 […]

March 21, 2010

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Why Should I Be Baptized?

Christ commands His followers to be baptized in water as the sign and seal of our union with Him, to receive power in our struggle with sin, and testify of our faith in Him.

Matthew 28:19-20

March 14, 2010

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What Is A Sacrament?

A sacrament is a special symbol given by God to His people that, when received in faith, serves as a sign and seal of His promises to us, functions as a means of grace to strengthen us, and through which we testify of our faith in Him and His promises.

Romans 4:11; 1 Corinthians 10:16-17; Romans 6:3-4

March 7, 2010

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Series Outline for The Book of Isaiah – Behold the Holy One of Israel

This lengthy series is a detailed overview of the book of Isaiah. It is meant to give a good understanding of Isaiah, his times, and his message, with a special emphasis on showing how Isaiah’s prophecy looks forward to and finds fulfillment in Christ and His church. It also concludes with a question and answer session on the book and its theology.

January 31, 2010

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Q&A Session on the Book of Isaiah

This is a question and answer session on the Book of Isaiah. It includes an overview of the message of the book, key themes from the book, discussion of a few passages, and a lot of application to today.

January 29, 2010

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The Sufficiency of Scripture

The Bible is the only infallible and inerrant rule of faith, sufficient for salvation and holiness. Other creeds and confessions may be helpful summaries, but must be tested by Scripture, which is the final authority.

2 Timothy 3:14-17

January 24, 2010

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Letting the Word Dwell in You Richly

The Bible is the only infallible and inerrant rule of faith, sufficient for salvation and holiness. Other creeds and confessions may be helpful summaries, but must be tested by Scripture, which is the final authority.

Colossians 3:16

January 17, 2010

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The New Heavens and Earth

God has promised a new heavens and earth, which believers begin to experience now, and will be completed at the return of Christ.

Isaiah 65:17-25

December 28, 2009

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Invitation to the Feast

God invites us to turn from the idols of this world which can never really satisfy, and to come to Him and receive that which fully satisfies the hunger and thirst of our souls.

Isaiah 55

December 6, 2009

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The Servant of the Lord

Jesus the Messiah, the True Servant of the Lord, has brought God’s justice and gentle mercy to the people of the whole world.

Isaiah 42:1-9

November 15, 2009

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Comfort for God’s People

Our God is the Self-sufficient, Inexhaustible Ruler of the universe, and He has promised to deliver His people who expectantly wait on Him.

Isaiah 40

November 1, 2009

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Series Outline for Names of Our Covenant Lord

God’s Name reveals His character to us, and as we meditate upon it, we can learn much about Him, and our faith is strengthened that we might live faithfully before Him. In this series we look at all of the names of God built upon His name Yahweh to discover more about His nature and character – so that we might love, worship and serve Him as He deserves.

October 13, 2009

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Yahweh Shalom – The Lord is Peace

God’s name Yahweh Shalom – The Lord is Peace – speaks of God’s desire and ability to restore everything to it proper purpose so that I can be related properly to God, myself, and others.

Judges 6:22-24

October 11, 2009

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Yahweh Shammah – The Lord Is There

God’s name Yahweh-Shammah – The Lord is There – speaks of God’s desire to be in the midst of his people, chronicled in both the historical and the future prophesied city of Jerusalem.

Revelation 21:1-4; Ezekiel 48:35

October 4, 2009

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