
Bret Hicks

Bret Hicks has been an Elder and the Executive Pastor at BRCC since 1993.

Christ the Reality

Christ is the focus and fulfillment of the entire Old Testament. The major people, places, and events in the Old Testament are types and shadows of the reality that is found in Christ, and through Him, all believers inherit the Old Testament promises.

John 5:36-40

September 19, 2004

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Christ – The Last Adam

Christ is the fulfillment of everything Adam was called to be, and He exceeds those expectations, bringing eternal life to His people.

Genesis 2:7; Romans 5:14; 1 Corinthians 15:45

September 12, 2004

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Christ – Ruler Over God’s Creation

Christ is the fulfillment of humanity’s call to rule over God’s creation, and He calls His people to exercise that rule in every area of life and creation.

Genesis 1:26-28

September 5, 2004

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Christ – The Image of God

Christ is the fulfillment of humanity’s call to bear the image of God, and He is forming that image in His people.

Genesis 1:26-28

August 29, 2004

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Christ and the City of Jerusalem

The city of Jerusalem was a type and shadow of the true city of God, the new Jerusalem, which is comprised of all those who have faith in Christ.

Hebrews 11:8-16

August 1, 2004

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Christ – The True Son of God

Israel, who was called the son of God, finds its focus and fulfillment in Christ, the True Son of God Who made us to be God’s children.

Mark 1:9-11

May 30, 2004

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Christ and the Temple

The Temple finds its focus and fulfillment in Christ, Who is the fullness of God and the atoning sacrifice for sin, and Who makes His people to be God’s temple.

John 2:13-22

May 23, 2004

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Christ and the Moral Aspect of the Law

The moral law finds its focus and fulfillment in Christ, Who perfectly displayed the character of God, delivered us from the curse of the law, and enables us to fulfill the Law by His Spirit.

Matthew 5:17; Romans 3:31

April 18, 2004

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Christ and the Kingship

Christ is the fulfillment of the kings of Israel, David’s Greater Son who rules the people of God and extends the kingdom of God.

Psalm 110:1

April 4, 2004

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Christ and the Prophets

Christ is the fulfillment of the prophetic office, He is superior to the old prophets, and He has given us the Spirit to enable us to speak God’s word in the new covenant.

Deuteronomy 18:14-22

March 28, 2004

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Christ and the Priesthood

Christ is the fulfillment of the priesthood, He is superior to the old priests, and He has made all of us priests in the new covenant.

Hebrews 7:17-28

March 21, 2004

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Christ and the Judges

Christ is the fulfillment of the judges, the ones who God sent to deliver His people from bondage to turn them to Him.

Judges 2:10-19

March 15, 2004

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Series Outline for Psalms

This lengthy series was taught to give an overview of the entire book of Psalms. It looks at the structure and purpose of the Psalms, looks at each of the various types of Psalms contained in the book, and discusses the use of the book of Psalms in the lives of believers today.

February 23, 2004

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