Meditating On God’s Word
We are called to meditate deeply on God’s Word so that we might obey it and thus be truly successful.
Joshua 1:8
Biblically Based, Christ Centered, Caring Community in Annapolis, MD
We are called to meditate deeply on God’s Word so that we might obey it and thus be truly successful.
Joshua 1:8
The Eucharist is the thanksgiving meal, where God’s people receive His grace anew and give thanks for His many blessings.
Matthew 26:26-29
This 3-week series looks at the metaphor of “walking dead” in Scripture. This includes our past – walking dead in sin; our present call – walking alive to God but dead to sin; and our future – walking alive forever!
In eternity, we will be fully alive, free from the penalty, power, and even the presence of sin, as we glorify and enjoy God forever!
Revelation 21:1-5; 22:1-5, 20-21
Christians have been made alive to God but dead to sin in Christ, and are called to live in light of that reality.
Romans 6:11-14
All of us by nature were walking dead to God in our sin, but He has made His people alive to God in Christ.
John 5:24-25
This 14-week series is a verse by verse look at the book of Colossians. In this book, the Apostle Paul teaches believers that Christ is all we need, and in Him we have found the fullness God gives His people. In an age that many – even in the Church – believe that we need something other than Jesus, this book is a great reminder that in Christ we have found the fullness of God, and having found Him, we need nothing else.
The work of the kingdom is not done by a few superstars, but through the Spirit-empowered efforts of a Christ-filled team comprised of all believers.
Colossians 4:7-18
A Christ filled life is one devoted to prayer and to seeing the Gospel go forth, making the most of the opportunities God gives us to share His good news.
Colossians 4:2-6
Our new status in Christ has not freed us from the relationships and responsibilities in our culture, but we now fulfill these under the Lordship of Christ.
Colossians 3:18-4:1
As we partake of Communion in faith, Christians are united in fellowship with Christ and His Body, the Church.
Luke 22:19-20; 1 Corinthians 10:16-17; 1 Corinthians 11:23-28
As those who have been given new life in Christ, believers must put on the virtues that reflect the character of God shown to us in Christ, and they must walk in unity with the Church.
Colossians 3:12-17
As those who have been given new life in Christ, believers must put off their former vices so they can be like Christ.
Colossians 3:1-11
Counterfeit spirituality depends on rituals, hyper-spirituality, and legalism, rather than on the simplicity of Christ, Who alone can deliver from sin.
Colossians 2:16-23
Christians have been given a full salvation – our sins forgiven, our enemies vanquished, and our sinful nature effectively dealt with – through Jesus, Who is the fullness of God.
Colossians 2:8-15
Christians must always be on their guard against being carried away by the empty deceits offered by the world to replace Jesus as our only source of true fulfillment and joy.
Colossians 2:8
Having received Jesus Christ as Lord, we are called to have a flourishing, growing walk with Him.
Colossians 2:6-7
Jesus has been raised from the dead, and His people are to worship Him and, despite opposition, tell this good news to the world.
Matthew 28:1-20
Christ took our sins and gave us His righteousness so that it is just as if we had never sinned, and just as if we had kept the Law.
Leviticus 1:3-4; 2 Corinthians 5:21
A message given at the memorial service for a child who died shortly after birth. Shared with the permission of the family to help others who are grieving to find hope in Christ.
1 Thessalonians 4:13-14
God calls His people to be willing to pay the cost for a glorious ministry of fully presenting God’s Word about Jesus, as we teach and admonish one another so that each of us will become mature, wholehearted disciples of Jesus Christ.
Colossians 1:24-2:5
We were once alienated from God by our sin, but Christ has provided reconciliation for all who believe in Him through the Gospel.
Colossians 1:21-23
Christ is preeminent in and over everything – the present creation and everything it, and the new creation, which has already begun through His reconciling work.
Colossians 1:12-20
As Christians grow in their knowledge of God and His will, their lives are transformed so that they are pleasing to God.
Colossians 1:9-14
The Gospel of Christ has the power to grow and bear fruit in the lives of believers so that they are filled with faith, love, hope, and good works.
Colossians 1:1-8